@ -21,6 +21,8 @@
#include "core/PartitionActions.h"
#include "core/PartitionInfo.h"
#include "utils/Variant.h"
#include <kpmcore/core/device.h>
#include <kpmcore/core/partition.h>
#include <kpmcore/fs/filesystem.h>
@ -48,12 +50,6 @@ PartitionLayout::PartitionLayout()
PartitionLayout::PartitionLayout( PartitionLayout::PartitionEntry entry )
: PartitionLayout()
m_partLayout.append( entry );
PartitionLayout::PartitionLayout( const PartitionLayout& layout )
: m_defaultFsType( layout.m_defaultFsType )
, m_partLayout( layout.m_partLayout )
@ -62,270 +58,247 @@ PartitionLayout::PartitionLayout( const PartitionLayout& layout )
PartitionLayout::~PartitionLayout() {}
PartitionLayout::addEntry( PartitionLayout::PartitionEntry entry )
: partAttributes( 0 )
if ( !entry.isValid() )
cError() << "Partition size is invalid or has min size > max size";
return false;
m_partLayout.append( entry );
return true;
PartitionLayout::PartitionEntry::PartitionEntry( const QString& mountPoint, const QString& size, const QString& minSize, const QString& maxSize )
: partAttributes( 0 )
, partMountPoint( mountPoint )
, partSize( size )
, partMinSize( minSize )
, partMaxSize( maxSize )
PartitionLayout::PartitionEntry::PartitionEntry( const QString& size, const QString& min, const QString& max )
: partAttributes( 0 )
PartitionLayout::PartitionEntry::PartitionEntry( const QString& label,
const QString& uuid,
const QString& type,
quint64 attributes,
const QString& mountPoint,
const QString& fs,
const QVariantMap& features,
const QString& size,
const QString& minSize,
const QString& maxSize )
: partLabel( label )
, partUUID( uuid )
, partType( type )
, partAttributes( attributes )
, partMountPoint( mountPoint )
, partFeatures( features )
, partSize( size )
, partMinSize( min )
, partMaxSize( max )
, partMinSize( minSize )
, partMaxSize( maxSize )
PartUtils::findFS( fs, &partFileSystem );
PartitionLayout::addEntry( const QString& mountPoint, const QString& size, const QString& min, const QString& max )
PartitionLayout::PartitionEntry::PartitionEntry( const PartitionEntry& e )
: partLabel( e.partLabel )
, partUUID( e.partUUID )
, partType( e.partType )
, partAttributes( e.partAttributes )
, partMountPoint( e.partMountPoint )
, partFileSystem( e.partFileSystem )
, partFeatures( e.partFeatures )
, partSize( e.partSize )
, partMinSize( e.partMinSize )
, partMaxSize( e.partMaxSize )
PartitionLayout::PartitionEntry entry( size, min, max );
PartitionLayout::addEntry( const PartitionEntry& entry )
if ( !entry.isValid() )
cError() << "Partition size" << size << "is invalid or" << min << ">" << max;
return false;
if ( mountPoint.isEmpty() || !mountPoint.startsWith( QString( "/" ) ) )
cError() << "Partition mount point" << mountPoint << "is invalid";
return false;
entry.partMountPoint = mountPoint;
entry.partFileSystem = m_defaultFsType;
m_partLayout.append( entry );
return true;
PartitionLayout::addEntry( const QString& label,
const QString& uuid,
const QString& type,
quint64 attributes,
const QString& mountPoint,
const QString& fs,
const QVariantMap& features,
const QString& size,
const QString& min,
const QString& max )
PartitionLayout::init( const QVariantList& config )
PartitionLayout::PartitionEntry entry( size, min, max );
bool ok;
if ( !entry.isValid() )
cError() << "Partition size" << size << "is invalid or" << min << ">" << max;
return false;
if ( mountPoint.isEmpty() || !mountPoint.startsWith( QString( "/" ) ) )
for ( const auto& r : config )
cError() << "Partition mount point" << mountPoint << "is invalid";
return false;
QVariantMap pentry = r.toMap();
if ( !pentry.contains( "name" ) || !pentry.contains( "mountPoint" ) || !pentry.contains( "filesystem" )
|| !pentry.contains( "size" ) )
cError() << "Partition layout entry #" << config.indexOf( r )
<< "lacks mandatory attributes, switching to default layout.";
if ( !addEntry( { CalamaresUtils::getString( pentry, "name" ),
CalamaresUtils::getString( pentry, "uuid" ),
CalamaresUtils::getString( pentry, "type" ),
CalamaresUtils::getUnsignedInteger( pentry, "attributes", 0 ),
CalamaresUtils::getString( pentry, "mountPoint" ),
CalamaresUtils::getString( pentry, "filesystem" ),
CalamaresUtils::getSubMap( pentry, "features", ok ),
CalamaresUtils::getString( pentry, "size", QStringLiteral( "0" ) ),
CalamaresUtils::getString( pentry, "minSize", QStringLiteral( "0" ) ),
CalamaresUtils::getString( pentry, "maxSize", QStringLiteral( "0" ) ) } ) )
cError() << "Partition layout entry #" << config.indexOf( r ) << "is invalid, switching to default layout.";
entry.partLabel = label;
entry.partUUID = uuid;
entry.partType = type;
entry.partAttributes = attributes;
entry.partMountPoint = mountPoint;
PartUtils::findFS( fs, &entry.partFileSystem );
if ( entry.partFileSystem == FileSystem::Unknown )
if ( !m_partLayout.count() )
entry.partFileSystem = m_defaultFsType;
addEntry( { QString( "/" ), QString( "100%" ) } );
entry.partFeatures = features;
m_partLayout.append( entry );
return true;
QList< Partition* >
PartitionLayout::execute( Device* dev,
qint64 firstSector,
qint64 lastSector,
QString luksPassphrase,
PartitionNode* parent,
const PartitionRole& role )
PartitionLayout::createPartitions( Device* dev,
qint64 firstSector,
qint64 lastSector,
QString luksPassphrase,
PartitionNode* parent,
const PartitionRole& role )
QList< Partition* > partList;
// Map each partition entry to its requested size (0 when calculated later)
QMap< const PartitionLayout::PartitionEntry*, qint64 > partSizeMap;
qint64 totalSize = lastSector - firstSector + 1;
qint64 availableSize = totalSize;
QMap< const PartitionLayout::PartitionEntry*, qint64 > partSectorsMap;
const qint64 totalSectors = lastSector - firstSector + 1;
qint64 currentSector, availableSectors = totalSectors;
// Let's check if we have enough space for each partSize
for ( const auto& part : qAsConst( m_partLayout ) )
// Let's check if we have enough space for each partitions, using the size
// propery or the min-size property if unit is in percentage.
for ( const auto& entry : qAsConst( m_partLayout ) )
if ( !part.partSize.isValid() )
if ( !entry.partSize.isValid() )
cWarning() << "Partition" << part.partMountPoint << "size is invalid, skipping...";
cWarning() << "Partition" << entry.partMountPoint << "size is invalid, skipping...";
// Calculate partition size: Rely on "possibly uninitialized use"
// warnings to ensure that all the cases are covered below.
qint64 size;
// We need to ignore the percent-defined until later
if ( part.partSize.unit() != CalamaresUtils::Partition::SizeUnit::Percent )
qint64 sectors = 0;
if ( entry.partSize.unit() != CalamaresUtils::Partition::SizeUnit::Percent )
size = part.partSize.toSectors( totalSize, dev->logicalSize() );
sectors = entry.partSize.toSectors( totalSectors, dev->logicalSize() );
else if ( entry.partMinSize.isValid() )
if ( part.partMinSize.isValid() )
size = part.partMinSize.toSectors( totalSize, dev->logicalSize() );
size = 0;
sectors = entry.partMinSize.toSectors( totalSectors, dev->logicalSize() );
partSizeMap.insert( &part, size );
availableSize -= size;
partSectorsMap.insert( &entry, sectors );
availableSectors -= sectors;
// Use partMinSize and see if we can do better afterward.
if ( availableSize < 0 )
// There is not enough space for all partitions, use the min-size property
// and see if we can do better afterward.
if ( availableSectors < 0 )
availableSize = totalSize;
for ( const auto& part : qAsConst( m_partLayout ) )
availableSectors = totalSectors;
for ( const auto& entry : qAsConst( m_partLayout ) )
qint64 size;
if ( part.partMinSize.isValid() )
size = part.partMinSize.toSectors( totalSize, dev->logicalSize() );
else if ( part.partSize.isValid() )
if ( part.partSize.unit() != CalamaresUtils::Partition::SizeUnit::Percent )
size = part.partSize.toSectors( totalSize, dev->logicalSize() );
size = 0;
qint64 sectors = partSectorsMap.value( &entry );
if ( entry.partMinSize.isValid() )
size = 0;
sectors = entry.partMinSize.toSectors( totalSectors, dev->logicalSize() );
partSectorsMap.insert( &entry, sectors );
partSizeMap.insert( &part, size );
availableSize -= size;
availableSectors -= sectors;
// Assign size for percentage-defined partitions
for ( const auto& part : qAsConst( m_partLayout ) )
// Assign sectors for percentage-defined partitions.
for ( const auto& entry : qAsConst( m_partLayout ) )
if ( part.partSize.unit() == CalamaresUtils::Partition::SizeUnit::Percent )
if ( entry.partSize.unit() == CalamaresUtils::Partition::SizeUnit::Percent )
qint64 size = partSizeMap.value( &part );
size = part.partSize.toSectors( availableSize + size, dev->logicalSize() );
if ( part.partMinSize.isValid() )
qint64 sectors = entry.partSize.toSectors( availableSectors + partSectorsMap.value( &entry ),
dev->logicalSize() );
if ( entry.partMinSize.isValid() )
qint64 minSize = part.partMinSize.toSectors( totalSize, dev->logicalSize() );
if ( minSize > size )
size = minSize;
sectors = std::max( sectors, entry.partMinSize.toSectors( totalSectors, dev->logicalSize() ) );
if ( part.partMaxSize.isValid() )
if ( entry.partMaxSize.isValid() )
qint64 maxSize = part.partMaxSize.toSectors( totalSize, dev->logicalSize() );
if ( maxSize < size )
size = maxSize;
sectors = std::min( sectors, entry.partMaxSize.toSectors( totalSectors, dev->logicalSize() ) );
partSizeMap.insert( &part, size );
partSectorsMap.insert( &entry, sectors );
availableSize = totalSize;
// TODO: Refine partition sizes to make sure there is room for every partition
// Use a default (200-500M ?) minimum size for partition without minSize
for ( const auto& part : qAsConst( m_partLayout ) )
// Create the partitions.
currentSector = firstSector;
availableSectors = totalSectors;
for ( const auto& entry : qAsConst( m_partLayout ) )
qint64 size, end;
Partition* currentPartition = nullptr;
size = partSizeMap.value( &part );
// Adjust partition size based on available space
if ( size > availableSize )
// Adjust partition size based on available space.
qint64 sectors = partSectorsMap.value( &entry );
sectors = std::min( sectors, availableSectors );
if ( sectors == 0 )
size = availableSize;
end = firstSector + std::max( size - 1, Q_INT64_C( 0 ) );
Partition* part = nullptr;
if ( luksPassphrase.isEmpty() )
currentPartition = KPMHelpers::createNewPartition(
parent, *dev, role, part.partFileSystem, firstSector, end, KPM_PARTITION_FLAG( None ) );
part = KPMHelpers::createNewPartition(
parent, *dev, role, entry.partFileSystem, currentSector, currentSector + sectors - 1, KPM_PARTITION_FLAG( None ) );
currentPartition = KPMHelpers::createNewEncryptedPartition(
parent, *dev, role, part.partFileSystem, firstSector, end, luksPassphrase, KPM_PARTITION_FLAG( None ) );
part = KPMHelpers::createNewEncryptedPartition(
parent, *dev, role, entry.partFileSystem, currentSector, currentSector + sectors - 1, luksPassphrase, KPM_PARTITION_FLAG( None ) );
PartitionInfo::setFormat( currentPartition, true );
PartitionInfo::setMountPoint( currentPartition, part.partMountPoint );
if ( !part.partLabel.isEmpty() )
PartitionInfo::setFormat( part, true );
PartitionInfo::setMountPoint( part, entry.partMountPoint );
if ( !entry.partLabel.isEmpty() )
currentPartition->setLabel( part.partLabel );
currentPartition->fileSystem().setLabel( part.partLabel );
part->setLabel( entry.partLabel );
part->fileSystem().setLabel( entry.partLabel );
if ( !part.partUUID.isEmpty() )
if ( !entry.partUUID.isEmpty() )
currentPartition->setUUID( part.partUUID );
part->setUUID( entry.partUUID );
if ( !part.partType.isEmpty() )
if ( !entry.partType.isEmpty() )
#if defined( WITH_KPMCORE42API )
currentPartition->setType( part.partType );
part->setType( entry.partType );
cWarning() << "Ignoring type; requires KPMcore >= 4.2.0.";
if ( part.partAttributes )
if ( entry.partAttributes )
#if defined( WITH_KPMCORE42API )
currentPartition->setAttributes( part.partAttributes );
part->setAttributes( entry.partAttributes );
cWarning() << "Ignoring attributes; requires KPMcore >= 4.2.0.";
if ( !part.partFeatures.isEmpty() )
if ( !entry.partFeatures.isEmpty() )
#if defined( WITH_KPMCORE42API )
for ( const auto& k : part.partFeatures.keys() )
for ( const auto& k : entry.partFeatures.keys() )
currentPartition->fileSystem().addFeature( k, part.partFeatures.value( k ) );
part->fileSystem().addFeature( k, entry.partFeatures.value( k ) );
cWarning() << "Ignoring features; requires KPMcore >= 4.2.0.";
@ -333,9 +306,9 @@ PartitionLayout::execute( Device* dev,
// Some buggy (legacy) BIOSes test if the bootflag of at least one partition is set.
// Otherwise they ignore the device in boot-order, so add it here.
partList.append( currentPartition );
firstSector = end + 1;
availableSize -= size;
partList.append( part );
currentSector += sectors;
availableSectors -= sectors;
return partList;