@ -52,30 +52,48 @@ callQMLFunction( QQuickItem* qmlObject, const char* method )
searchQmlFile( QmlSearch method, const QString& configuredName, const Calamares::ModuleSystem::InstanceKey& i )
/** @brief Appends to @p candidates suitable expansions of @p names
* Depending on @p method, adds search expansions for branding, or QRC,
* or both (with branding having precedence).
static void
addExpansions( QmlSearch method, QStringList& candidates, const QStringList& names )
QString bPath( QStringLiteral( "%1/%2.qml" ) );
QString qrPath( QStringLiteral( ":/%1.qml" ) );
cDebug() << "Looking for QML for" << i.toString();
QStringList candidates;
if ( configuredName.startsWith( '/' ) )
candidates << configuredName;
if ( ( method == QmlSearch::Both ) || ( method == QmlSearch::BrandingOnly ) )
QString brandDir = Calamares::Branding::instance()->componentDirectory();
candidates << ( configuredName.isEmpty() ? QString() : bPath.arg( brandDir, configuredName ) )
<< bPath.arg( brandDir, i.toString() ) << bPath.arg( brandDir, i.module() );
std::transform( names.constBegin(),
std::back_inserter( candidates ),
[&]( const QString& s ) { return s.isEmpty() ? QString() : bPath.arg( brandDir, s ); } );
if ( ( method == QmlSearch::Both ) || ( method == QmlSearch::QrcOnly ) )
candidates << ( configuredName.isEmpty() ? QString() : qrPath.arg( configuredName ) )
<< qrPath.arg( i.toString() ) << qrPath.arg( i.module() );
std::transform( names.constBegin(),
std::back_inserter( candidates ),
[&]( const QString& s ) { return s.isEmpty() ? QString() : qrPath.arg( s ); } );
/** @brief Does actual search and returns result.
* Empty items in @p candidates are ignored.
static QString
searchQmlFile( QmlSearch method, const QString& configuredName, const QStringList& hints )
QStringList candidates;
if ( configuredName.startsWith( '/' ) )
candidates << configuredName;
addExpansions( method, candidates, hints );
for ( const QString& candidate : candidates )
if ( candidate.isEmpty() )
@ -98,6 +116,20 @@ searchQmlFile( QmlSearch method, const QString& configuredName, const Calamares:
return QString();
searchQmlFile( QmlSearch method, const QString& configuredName, const Calamares::ModuleSystem::InstanceKey& i )
cDebug() << "Looking for QML for" << i.toString();
return searchQmlFile( method, configuredName, { configuredName, i.toString(), i.module() } );
searchQmlFile( QmlSearch method, const QString& configuredName )
cDebug() << "Looking for QML for" << configuredName;
return searchQmlFile( method, configuredName, { configuredName } );
const NamedEnumTable< QmlSearch >&