@ -32,6 +32,8 @@ static const int VIEW_HEIGHT = 30;
static const int LAYOUT_MARGIN = 8;
static const int CORNER_RADIUS = 3;
static const int EXTENDED_PARTITION_MARGIN = 4;
static const int LABELS_MARGIN = 40;
static const int LABEL_PARTITION_SQUARE_MARGIN = 18;
PartitionPreview::PartitionPreview( QWidget* parent )
@ -58,8 +60,12 @@ PartitionPreview::minimumSizeHint() const
PartitionPreview::sizeHint() const
if ( m_showLabels )
return QSize( -1, VIEW_HEIGHT + LAYOUT_MARGIN + labelsHeight() );
QAbstractItemModel* modl = model();
if ( m_showLabels && modl )
sizeForAllLabels( rect().width() ).height() );
return QSize( -1, VIEW_HEIGHT );
@ -182,6 +188,27 @@ drawPartitionSquare( QPainter* painter, const QRect& rect, const QBrush& brush )
PartitionPreview::getIndexesToDraw( const QModelIndex& parent ) const
QModelIndexList list;
QAbstractItemModel* modl = model();
if ( !modl )
return list;
for ( int row = 0; row < modl->rowCount( parent ); ++row )
QModelIndex index = modl->index( row, 0, parent );
if ( modl->hasChildren( index ) )
list.append( getIndexesToDraw( index ) );
list.append( index );
return list;
PartitionPreview::drawLabels( QPainter* painter, const QRect& rect, const QModelIndex& parent )
@ -189,61 +216,108 @@ PartitionPreview::drawLabels( QPainter* painter, const QRect& rect, const QModel
if ( !modl )
std::function< QModelIndexList ( const QModelIndex& ) > gatherIndexes =
[ modl, &gatherIndexes ]( const QModelIndex& parent ) -> QModelIndexList
QModelIndexList indexesToDraw = getIndexesToDraw( parent );
int label_x = rect.x();
int label_y = rect.y();
foreach ( const QModelIndex& index, indexesToDraw )
QModelIndexList list;
QStringList texts = { index.data().toString(),
index.sibling( index.row(), PartitionModel::SizeColumn ).data().toString() };
for ( int row = 0; row < modl->rowCount( parent ); ++row )
QSize labelSize = sizeForLabel( texts );
QColor labelColor = index.data( Qt::DecorationRole ).value< QColor >();
if ( label_x + labelSize.width() > rect.width() ) //wrap to new line if overflow
QModelIndex index = modl->index( row, 0, parent );
if ( modl->hasChildren( index ) )
list.append( gatherIndexes( index ) );
list.append( index );
label_x = 0;
label_y += labelSize.height();
return list;
QModelIndexList indexesToDraw = gatherIndexes( parent );
drawLabel( painter, texts, labelColor, QPoint( label_x, label_y ) );
int h = rect.height();
label_x += labelSize.width() + LABELS_MARGIN;
int label_x = rect.x();
PartitionPreview::sizeForAllLabels( int maxLineWidth ) const
QAbstractItemModel* modl = model();
if ( !modl )
return QSize();
QModelIndexList indexesToDraw = getIndexesToDraw( QModelIndex() );
int lineLength = 0;
int numLines = 1;
int singleLabelHeight = 0;
foreach ( const QModelIndex& index, indexesToDraw )
painter->setPen( Qt::black );
QStringList texts = { index.data().toString(),
index.sibling( index.row(), PartitionModel::SizeColumn ).data().toString() };
QFont nameFont;
nameFont.setPointSize( CalamaresUtils::defaultFontSize() );
QSize labelSize = sizeForLabel( texts );
painter->setFont( nameFont );
int vertOffset = 0;
int width = 0;
foreach ( const QString& text, texts )
if ( lineLength + labelSize.width() > maxLineWidth )
lineLength = labelSize.width();
QSize textSize = painter->fontMetrics().size( Qt::TextSingleLine, text );
painter->drawText( label_x+18, rect.y() + vertOffset + textSize.height() / 2, text );
vertOffset += textSize.height();
painter->setFont( QFont() );
painter->setPen( Qt::gray );
width = qMax( width, textSize.width() );
lineLength += LABELS_MARGIN + labelSize.width();
QColor color = index.data( Qt::DecorationRole ).value< QColor >();
drawPartitionSquare( painter, QRect( label_x, rect.y() - 3,
13, 13 ), color );
label_x += width + 40; // 40 is a margin between labels
//FIXME: handle overflow
singleLabelHeight = qMax( singleLabelHeight, labelSize.height() );
int totalHeight = numLines * singleLabelHeight;
return QSize( maxLineWidth, totalHeight );
PartitionPreview::sizeForLabel( const QStringList& text ) const
int vertOffset = 0;
int width = 0;
foreach ( const QString& textLine, text )
QSize textSize = fontMetrics().size( Qt::TextSingleLine, textLine );
if ( vertOffset == 0 )
vertOffset = textSize.height() / 2;
vertOffset += textSize.height();
width = qMax( width, textSize.width() );
width += LABEL_PARTITION_SQUARE_MARGIN; //for the color square
return QSize( width, vertOffset );
PartitionPreview::drawLabel( QPainter* painter,
const QStringList& text,
const QColor& color,
const QPoint& pos )
return CalamaresUtils::defaultFontHeight() * 2;
painter->setPen( Qt::black );
int vertOffset = 0;
int width = 0;
foreach ( const QString& textLine, text )
QSize textSize = painter->fontMetrics().size( Qt::TextSingleLine, textLine );
painter->drawText( pos.x()+LABEL_PARTITION_SQUARE_MARGIN,
pos.y() + vertOffset + textSize.height() / 2,
textLine );
vertOffset += textSize.height();
painter->setPen( Qt::gray );
width = qMax( width, textSize.width() );
drawPartitionSquare( painter, QRect( pos.x(), pos.y() - 3,
13, 13 ), color );
painter->setPen( Qt::black );
@ -292,6 +366,7 @@ void
PartitionPreview::setLabelsVisible( bool visible )
m_showLabels = visible;
@ -315,3 +390,9 @@ PartitionPreview::setSelection( const QRect& rect, QItemSelectionModel::Selectio
updateGeometry(); //get a new rect() for redrawing all the labels