@ -10,13 +10,18 @@ website will have to do for older versions.
# 3.2.38 (unreleased) #
This release contains contributions from (alphabetically by first name):
- No external contributors yet
- Anke Boersma
- Anubhav Choudhary
## Core ##
- No core changes yet
- Uploading your log files (in case of installation failure) has been
expanded and is now more
configurable. Users should still take care when uploading logs,
and distro's should configure a URL with no public viewing
for the uploading of those logs. (Thanks Anubhav)
## Modules ##
- No module changes yet
- A new QML-based *finishedq* module has been added. (Thanks Anke)
# 3.2.37 (2021-02-23) #