@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ enum class Badness
/** Add an error message and pixmap to a label. */
static inline void
labelError( QLabel* pix, QLabel* label, const QString& message, Badness bad = Badness::Fatal )
labelError( QLabel* pix, QLabel* label, const QString& message, Badness bad )
label->setText( message );
pix->setPixmap( CalamaresUtils::defaultPixmap( ( bad == Badness::Fatal ) ? CalamaresUtils::StatusError
@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ labelStatus( QLabel* pix, QLabel* label, const QString& value, const QString& st
labelError( pix, label, status );
labelError( pix, label, status, Badness::Fatal );
ok = false;
@ -105,6 +105,12 @@ UsersPage::UsersPage( Config* config, QWidget* parent )
ui->setupUi( this );
ui->checkBoxReusePassword->setVisible( m_config->writeRootPassword() );
ui->checkBoxReusePassword->setChecked( m_config->reuseUserPasswordForRoot() );
ui->checkBoxValidatePassword->setVisible( m_config->permitWeakPasswords() );
ui->checkBoxValidatePassword->setChecked( m_config->requireStrongPasswords() );
// Connect signals and slots
connect( ui->textBoxUserPassword, &QLineEdit::textChanged, this, &UsersPage::onPasswordTextChanged );
connect( ui->textBoxUserVerifiedPassword, &QLineEdit::textChanged, this, &UsersPage::onPasswordTextChanged );
@ -115,21 +121,7 @@ UsersPage::UsersPage( Config* config, QWidget* parent )
onRootPasswordTextChanged( ui->textBoxRootPassword->text() );
checkReady( isReady() );
} );
connect( ui->checkBoxReusePassword, &QCheckBox::stateChanged, this, [this]( const int checked ) {
/* When "reuse" is checked, hide the fields for explicitly
* entering the root password. However, if we're going to
* disable the root password anyway, hide them all regardless of
* the checkbox -- so when writeRoot is false, checked needs
* to be true, to hide them all.
const bool visible = m_config->writeRootPassword() ? !checked : false;
ui->labelChooseRootPassword->setVisible( visible );
ui->labelRootPassword->setVisible( visible );
ui->labelRootPasswordError->setVisible( visible );
ui->textBoxRootPassword->setVisible( visible );
ui->textBoxVerifiedRootPassword->setVisible( visible );
checkReady( isReady() );
} );
connect( ui->checkBoxReusePassword, &QCheckBox::stateChanged, this, &UsersPage::onReuseUserPasswordChanged );
connect( ui->textBoxFullName, &QLineEdit::textEdited, config, &Config::setFullName );
connect( config, &Config::fullNameChanged, this, &UsersPage::onFullNameTextEdited );
@ -147,13 +139,25 @@ UsersPage::UsersPage( Config* config, QWidget* parent )
} );
connect( config, &Config::autoLoginChanged, ui->checkBoxDoAutoLogin, &QCheckBox::setChecked );
ui->checkBoxReusePassword->setVisible( m_config->writeRootPassword() );
ui->checkBoxReusePassword->setChecked( true );
ui->checkBoxValidatePassword->setChecked( true );
if ( m_config->writeRootPassword() )
connect( ui->checkBoxReusePassword, &QCheckBox::stateChanged, this, [this]( int checked ) {
m_config->setReuseUserPasswordForRoot( checked != Qt::Unchecked );
} );
connect( config, &Config::reuseUserPasswordForRootChanged, ui->checkBoxReusePassword, &QCheckBox::setChecked );
setPasswordCheckboxVisible( false );
if ( m_config->permitWeakPasswords() )
connect( ui->checkBoxValidatePassword, &QCheckBox::stateChanged, this, [this]( int checked ) {
m_config->setRequireStrongPasswords( checked != Qt::Unchecked );
} );
connect( config, &Config::requireStrongPasswordsChanged, ui->checkBoxValidatePassword, &QCheckBox::setChecked );
CALAMARES_RETRANSLATE_SLOT( &UsersPage::retranslate );
onReuseUserPasswordChanged( m_config->reuseUserPasswordForRoot() );
@ -195,32 +199,6 @@ UsersPage::isReady() const
return readyFields;
UsersPage::getRootPassword() const
if ( m_config->writeRootPassword() )
if ( ui->checkBoxReusePassword->isChecked() )
return ui->textBoxUserPassword->text();
return ui->textBoxRootPassword->text();
return QString();
QPair< QString, QString >
UsersPage::getUserPassword() const
return QPair< QString, QString >( m_config->loginName(), ui->textBoxUserPassword->text() );
UsersPage::fillGlobalStorage() const
@ -274,43 +252,26 @@ UsersPage::checkPasswordAcceptance( const QString& pw1, const QString& pw2, QLab
if ( pw1 != pw2 )
labelError( badge, message, tr( "Your passwords do not match!" ) );
labelError( badge, message, tr( "Your passwords do not match!" ), Badness::Fatal );
return false;
bool failureIsFatal = ui->checkBoxValidatePassword->isChecked();
bool failureFound = false;
if ( m_passwordChecksChanged )
QString s;
bool ok = m_config->isPasswordAcceptable( pw1, s );
if ( !ok )
std::sort( m_passwordChecks.begin(), m_passwordChecks.end() );
m_passwordChecksChanged = false;
labelError( badge, message, s, Badness::Fatal );
for ( auto pc : m_passwordChecks )
else if ( !s.isEmpty() )
QString s = pc.filter( pw1 );
if ( !s.isEmpty() )
labelError( badge, message, s, failureIsFatal ? Badness::Fatal : Badness::Warning );
failureFound = true;
if ( failureIsFatal )
return false;
labelError( badge, message, s, Badness::Warning );
if ( !failureFound )
labelOk( badge, message );
// Here, if failureFound is true then we've found **warnings**,
// which is ok to continue but the user should know.
return true;
return ok;
@ -335,58 +296,24 @@ UsersPage::onRootPasswordTextChanged( const QString& )
emit checkReady( isReady() );
UsersPage::setPasswordCheckboxVisible( bool visible )
ui->checkBoxValidatePassword->setVisible( visible );
UsersPage::setValidatePasswordDefault( bool checked )
ui->checkBoxValidatePassword->setChecked( checked );
emit checkReady( isReady() );
UsersPage::setReusePasswordDefault( bool checked )
ui->checkBoxReusePassword->setChecked( checked );
emit checkReady( isReady() );
UsersPage::addPasswordCheck( const QString& key, const QVariant& value )
UsersPage::onReuseUserPasswordChanged( const int checked )
m_passwordChecksChanged = true;
if ( key == "minLength" )
add_check_minLength( m_passwordChecks, value );
else if ( key == "maxLength" )
add_check_maxLength( m_passwordChecks, value );
else if ( key == "nonempty" )
if ( value.toBool() )
PasswordCheck( []() { return QCoreApplication::translate( "PWQ", "Password is empty" ); },
[]( const QString& s ) { return !s.isEmpty(); },
PasswordCheck::Weight( 1 ) ) );
else if ( key == "libpwquality" )
add_check_libpwquality( m_passwordChecks, value );
cWarning() << "Unknown password-check key" << key;
/* When "reuse" is checked, hide the fields for explicitly
* entering the root password. However, if we're going to
* disable the root password anyway, hide them all regardless of
* the checkbox -- so when writeRoot is false, visible needs
* to be false, to hide them all.
* In principle this is only connected when writeRootPassword is @c true,
* but it is **always** called at least once in the constructor
* to set up initial visibility.
const bool visible = m_config->writeRootPassword() ? !checked : false;
ui->labelChooseRootPassword->setVisible( visible );
ui->labelRootPassword->setVisible( visible );
ui->labelRootPasswordError->setVisible( visible );
ui->textBoxRootPassword->setVisible( visible );
ui->textBoxVerifiedRootPassword->setVisible( visible );
checkReady( isReady() );