Merge branch 'fix-joburg' into calamares

Resolve a long-standing annoyance. With the new model for TimeZones
and nicer data structures, along with consistent find-methods,
we can spot-patch TZ data to handle special cases of bad timezones
being assigned to obviously-otherwise locations.
Adriaan de Groot
commit 30335f27f0

@ -52,7 +52,9 @@ private Q_SLOTS:
void testComplexZones();
void testTZLookup();
void testTZIterator();
void testLocationLookup_data();
void testLocationLookup();
void testLocationLookup2();
LocaleTests::LocaleTests() {}
@ -390,24 +392,67 @@ LocaleTests::testTZIterator()
QCOMPARE( ( *zones.begin() )->zone(), QStringLiteral( "Abidjan" ) );
QTest::addColumn< double >( "latitude" );
QTest::addColumn< double >( "longitude" );
QTest::addColumn< QString >( "name" );
QTest::newRow( "London" ) << 50.0 << 0.0 << QString( "London" );
QTest::newRow( "Tarawa E" ) << 0.0 << 179.0 << QString( "Tarawa" );
QTest::newRow( "Tarawa W" ) << 0.0 << -179.0 << QString( "Tarawa" );
QTest::newRow( "Johannesburg" ) << -26.0 << 28.0 << QString( "Johannesburg" ); // South Africa
QTest::newRow( "Maseru" ) << -29.0 << 27.0 << QString( "Maseru" ); // Lesotho
QTest::newRow( "Windhoek" ) << -22.0 << 17.0 << QString( "Windhoek" ); // Namibia
QTest::newRow( "Port Elisabeth" ) << -33.0 << 25.0 << QString( "Johannesburg" ); // South Africa
QTest::newRow( "Cape Town" ) << -33.0 << 18.0 << QString( "Johannesburg" ); // South Africa
const CalamaresUtils::Locale::ZonesModel zones;
const auto* zone = zones.find( 50.0, 0.0 );
QVERIFY( zone );
QCOMPARE( zone->zone(), QStringLiteral( "London" ) );
QFETCH( double, latitude );
QFETCH( double, longitude );
QFETCH( QString, name );
// Tarawa is close to "the other side of the world" from London
zone = zones.find( 0.0, 179.0 );
const auto* zone = zones.find( latitude, longitude );
QVERIFY( zone );
QCOMPARE( zone->zone(), QStringLiteral( "Tarawa" ) );
QCOMPARE( zone->zone(), name );
zone = zones.find( 0.0, -179.0 );
QVERIFY( zone );
QCOMPARE( zone->zone(), QStringLiteral( "Tarawa" ) );
// Official
// ZA -2615+02800 Africa/Johannesburg
// Spot patch
// "ZA -3230+02259 Africa/Johannesburg\n";
const CalamaresUtils::Locale::ZonesModel zones;
const auto* zone = zones.find( -26.15, 28.00 );
QCOMPARE( zone->zone(), QString( "Johannesburg" ) );
// The TZ data sources use minutes-and-seconds notation,
// so "2615" is 26 degrees, 15 minutes, and 15 minutes is
// one-quarter of a degree.
QCOMPARE( zone->latitude(), -26.25 );
QCOMPARE( zone->longitude(), 28.00 );
// Elsewhere in South Africa
const auto* altzone = zones.find( -32.0, 22.0 );
QCOMPARE( altzone, zone ); // same pointer
QCOMPARE( altzone->zone(), QString( "Johannesburg" ) );
QCOMPARE( altzone->latitude(), -26.25 );
QCOMPARE( altzone->longitude(), 28.00 );
altzone = zones.find( -29.0, 27.0 );
QCOMPARE( altzone->zone(), QString( "Maseru" ) );
// -2928, that's -29 and 28/60 of a degree, is almost half, but we don't want
// to fall foul of variations in double-precision
QCOMPARE( trunc( altzone->latitude() * 1000.0 ), -29466 );

@ -110,84 +110,103 @@ RegionData::tr() const
static void
loadTZData( RegionVector& regions, ZoneVector& zones )
loadTZData( RegionVector& regions, ZoneVector& zones, QTextStream& in )
QFile file( TZ_DATA_FILE );
if ( QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text ) )
while ( !in.atEnd() )
QTextStream in( &file );
while ( !in.atEnd() )
QString line = in.readLine().trimmed().split( '#', SplitKeepEmptyParts ).first().trimmed();
if ( line.isEmpty() )
QString line = in.readLine().trimmed().split( '#', SplitKeepEmptyParts ).first().trimmed();
if ( line.isEmpty() )
QStringList list = line.split( QRegExp( "[\t ]" ), SplitSkipEmptyParts );
if ( list.size() < 3 )
QStringList list = line.split( QRegExp( "[\t ]" ), SplitSkipEmptyParts );
if ( list.size() < 3 )
QStringList timezoneParts = 2 ).split( '/', SplitSkipEmptyParts );
if ( timezoneParts.size() < 2 )
QStringList timezoneParts = 2 ).split( '/', SplitSkipEmptyParts );
if ( timezoneParts.size() < 2 )
QString region = timezoneParts.first().trimmed();
if ( region.isEmpty() )
QString region = timezoneParts.first().trimmed();
if ( region.isEmpty() )
QString countryCode = 0 ).trimmed();
if ( countryCode.size() != 2 )
QString countryCode = 0 ).trimmed();
if ( countryCode.size() != 2 )
QString zone = timezoneParts.join( '/' );
if ( zone.length() < 2 )
QString zone = timezoneParts.join( '/' );
if ( zone.length() < 2 )
QString position = 1 );
int cooSplitPos = position.indexOf( QRegExp( "[-+]" ), 1 );
double latitude;
double longitude;
if ( cooSplitPos > 0 )
latitude = getRightGeoLocation( position.mid( 0, cooSplitPos ) );
longitude = getRightGeoLocation( position.mid( cooSplitPos ) );
QString position = 1 );
int cooSplitPos = position.indexOf( QRegExp( "[-+]" ), 1 );
double latitude;
double longitude;
if ( cooSplitPos > 0 )
latitude = getRightGeoLocation( position.mid( 0, cooSplitPos ) );
longitude = getRightGeoLocation( position.mid( cooSplitPos ) );
// Now we have region, zone, country, lat and longitude
const RegionData* existingRegion = nullptr;
for ( const auto* p : regions )
if ( p->key() == region )
existingRegion = p;
if ( !existingRegion )
// Now we have region, zone, country, lat and longitude
const RegionData* existingRegion = nullptr;
for ( const auto* p : regions )
if ( p->key() == region )
regions.append( new RegionData( region ) );
existingRegion = p;
zones.append( new TimeZoneData( region, zone, countryCode, latitude, longitude ) );
if ( !existingRegion )
regions.append( new RegionData( region ) );
zones.append( new TimeZoneData( region, zone, countryCode, latitude, longitude ) );
/** @brief Extra, fake, timezones
* The timezone locations in are not always very useful,
* given Calamares's standard "nearest zone" algorithm: for instance,
* in most locations physically in the country of South Africa,
* Maseru (the capital of Lesotho, and location for timezone Africa/Maseru)
* is closer than Johannesburg (the location for timezone Africa/Johannesburg).
* The algorithm picks the wrong place. This is for instance annoying
* when clicking on Cape Town, you get Maseru, and to get Johannesburg
* you need to click somewhere very carefully north of Maserru.
* These alternate zones are used to introduce "extra locations"
* into the timezone database, in order to influence the closest-location
* algorithm. Lines are formatted just like in remember the \n
static const char altZones[] =
/* This extra zone is north-east of Karoo National park,
* and means that Western Cape province and a good chunk of
* Northern- and Eastern- Cape provinces get pulled in to Johannesburg.
* Bloemfontein is still closer to Maseru than either correct zone,
* but this is a definite improvement.
"ZA -3230+02259 Africa/Johannesburg\n";
class Private : public QObject
@ -195,13 +214,27 @@ class Private : public QObject
RegionVector m_regions;
ZoneVector m_zones;
ZoneVector m_altZones; //< Extra locations for zones
m_regions.reserve( 12 ); // reasonable guess
m_zones.reserve( 452 ); // wc -l /usr/share/zoneinfo/
loadTZData( m_regions, m_zones );
// Load the official timezones
QFile file( TZ_DATA_FILE );
if ( QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text ) )
QTextStream in( &file );
loadTZData( m_regions, m_zones, in );
// Load the alternate zones (see documentation at altZones)
QTextStream in( altZones );
loadTZData( m_regions, m_altZones, in );
std::sort( m_regions.begin(), m_regions.end(), []( const RegionData* lhs, const RegionData* rhs ) {
return lhs->key() < rhs->key();
@ -336,6 +369,37 @@ ZonesModel::find( const QString& region, const QString& zone ) const
return nullptr;
STATICTEST const TimeZoneData*
find( double startingDistance, const ZoneVector& zones, const std::function< double( const TimeZoneData* ) >& distanceFunc )
double smallestDistance = startingDistance;
const TimeZoneData* closest = nullptr;
for ( const auto* zone : zones )
double thisDistance = distanceFunc( zone );
if ( thisDistance < smallestDistance )
closest = zone;
smallestDistance = thisDistance;
return closest;
const TimeZoneData*
ZonesModel::find( const std::function< double( const TimeZoneData* ) >& distanceFunc ) const
const auto* officialZone = CalamaresUtils::Locale::find( 1000000.0, m_private->m_zones, distanceFunc );
const auto* altZone = CalamaresUtils::Locale::find( distanceFunc( officialZone ), m_private->m_altZones, distanceFunc );
// If nothing was closer than the official zone already was, altZone is
// nullptr; but if there is a spot-patch, then we need to re-find
// the zone by name, since we want to always return pointers into
// m_zones, not into the alternative spots.
return altZone ? find( altZone->region(), altZone->zone() ) : officialZone;
const TimeZoneData*
ZonesModel::find( double latitude, double longitude ) const
@ -344,12 +408,7 @@ ZonesModel::find( double latitude, double longitude ) const
* either N/S or E/W equal to any other; this obviously
* falls apart at the poles.
double largestDifference = 720.0;
const TimeZoneData* closest = nullptr;
for ( const auto* zone : m_private->m_zones )
auto distance = [&]( const TimeZoneData* zone ) -> double {
// Latitude doesn't wrap around: there is nothing north of 90
double latitudeDifference = abs( zone->latitude() - latitude );
@ -368,13 +427,10 @@ ZonesModel::find( double latitude, double longitude ) const
longitudeDifference = abs( westerly - easterly );
if ( latitudeDifference + longitudeDifference < largestDifference )
largestDifference = latitudeDifference + longitudeDifference;
closest = zone;
return closest;
return latitudeDifference + longitudeDifference;
return find( distance );

@ -167,6 +167,17 @@ public:
Iterator begin() const { return Iterator( m_private ); }
/** @brief Look up TZ data based on an arbitrary distance function
* This is a generic method that can define distance in whatever
* coordinate system is wanted; returns the zone with the smallest
* distance. The @p distanceFunc must return "the distance" for
* each zone. It would be polite to return something non-negative.
* Note: not a slot, because the parameter isn't moc-able.
const TimeZoneData* find( const std::function< double( const TimeZoneData* ) >& distanceFunc ) const;
public Q_SLOTS:
/** @brief Look up TZ data based on its name.
@ -176,7 +187,10 @@ public Q_SLOTS:
/** @brief Look up TZ data based on the location.
* Returns the nearest zone to the given lat and lon.
* Returns the nearest zone to the given lat and lon. This is a
* convenience function for calling find(), below, with a standard
* distance function based on the distance between the given
* location (lat and lon) and each zone's given location.
const TimeZoneData* find( double latitude, double longitude ) const;

@ -190,28 +190,15 @@ TimeZoneWidget::mousePressEvent( QMouseEvent* event )
// Set nearest location
int nX = 999999, mX = event->pos().x();
int nY = 999999, mY = event->pos().y();
using namespace CalamaresUtils::Locale;
const TimeZoneData* closest = nullptr;
for ( auto it = m_zonesData->begin(); it; ++it )
const auto* zone = *it;
if ( zone )
QPoint locPos = TimeZoneImageList::getLocationPosition( zone->longitude(), zone->latitude() );
if ( ( abs( mX - locPos.x() ) + abs( mY - locPos.y() ) < abs( mX - nX ) + abs( mY - nY ) ) )
closest = zone;
nX = locPos.x();
nY = locPos.y();
int mX = event->pos().x();
int mY = event->pos().y();
auto distance = [&]( const CalamaresUtils::Locale::TimeZoneData* zone ) {
QPoint locPos = TimeZoneImageList::getLocationPosition( zone->longitude(), zone->latitude() );
return double( abs( mX - locPos.x() ) + abs( mY - locPos.y() ) );
const auto* closest = m_zonesData->find( distance );
if ( closest )
// Set zone image and repaint widget
