@ -69,9 +69,35 @@ ModuleManager::module( const QString& name )
ModuleManager::loadModules( Phase phase )
QTimer::singleShot( 0, this, SLOT( doLoadModulesPrepare() ) );
//FIXME: When we depend on Qt 5.4 this ugly hack should be replaced with
// QTimer::singleShot.
QTimer* timer = new QTimer();
timer->setSingleShot( true );
connect( timer, &QTimer::timeout,
this, [ this, timer, phase ]()
foreach ( const QString& moduleName, Settings::instance()->modules( phase ) )
if ( !m_availableModules.contains( moduleName ) )
cDebug() << "Module" << moduleName << "not found in module search paths."
<< "\nCalamares will now quit.";
recursiveLoad( moduleName );
emit modulesLoaded();
// Loading sequence:
// 1) deps are already fine. check if we have all the modules needed by the roster
// 2) ask ModuleManager to load them from the list provided by Settings
// 3) MM must load them asyncly but one at a time, by calling Module::loadSelf
// 4) Module must have subclasses that reimplement loadSelf for various module types
timer->start( 0 );
@ -133,29 +159,6 @@ ModuleManager::doInit()
foreach ( const QString& moduleName, Settings::instance()->modulesPrepare() )
if ( !m_availableModules.contains( moduleName ) )
cDebug() << "Module" << moduleName << "not found in module search paths."
<< "\nCalamares will now quit.";
recursiveLoad( moduleName );
emit modulesLoaded();
// 1) deps are already fine. check if we have all the modules needed by the roster
// 2) ask MM to load them from the list provided by Settings
// 3) MM must load them asyncly but one at a time, by calling Module::loadSelf
// 4) Module must have subclasses that reimplement loadSelf for various module types
ModuleManager::recursiveLoad( const QString& moduleName )