Instantiate the correct type of module from module.conf.

Teo Mrnjavac 11 years ago
parent 51e5976a99
commit 2dd88344e5

@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
#include "Module.h"
#include "ProcessJobModule.h"
#include "ViewModule.h"
#include "utils/YamlUtils.h"
#include "utils/Logger.h"
@ -46,39 +47,10 @@ operator>>( const YAML::Node& node, Calamares::Module* m )
m->m_name = QString::fromStdString( node[ "name" ].as< std::string >() );
QString typeString = QString::fromStdString( node[ "type" ].as< std::string >() );
if ( typeString == "job" )
m->m_type = Calamares::Module::Job;
else if ( typeString == "view" )
m->m_type = Calamares::Module::View;
m->m_interface = Calamares::Module::QtPlugin;
if ( m->m_type != Calamares::Module::View )
QString interfaceString = QString::fromStdString( node[ "interface" ].as< std::string >() );
if ( interfaceString == "qtplugin" )
m->m_interface = Calamares::Module::QtPlugin;
else if ( interfaceString == "python" )
m->m_interface = Calamares::Module::Python;
else if ( interfaceString == "process" )
m->m_interface = Calamares::Module::Process;
if ( node[ "requires" ] && node[ "requires" ].IsSequence() )
node[ "requires" ] >> m->m_requiredModules;
namespace Calamares
@ -99,20 +71,52 @@ Module::fromConfigFile( const QString& path )
YAML::Node moduleDocument = YAML::Load( ba.constData() );
if ( !moduleDocument.IsMap() )
YAML::Node doc = YAML::Load( ba.constData() );
if ( !doc.IsMap() )
cDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "bad module metadata format"
<< path;
return nullptr;
m = new ViewModule();
if ( !doc[ "type" ] ||
!doc[ "interface" ] )
cDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "bad module metadata format"
<< path;
return nullptr;
QString typeString = QString::fromStdString( doc[ "type" ].as< std::string >() );
QString intfString = QString::fromStdString( doc[ "interface" ].as< std::string >() );
if ( typeString == "view" && intfString == "qtplugin" )
m = new ViewModule();
else if ( typeString == "job" )
if ( intfString == "process" )
m = new ProcessJobModule();
else if ( intfString == "python" )
m = nullptr; //TODO: add Python module here
if ( !m )
cDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "bad module type or interface string"
<< path << typeString << intfString;
return nullptr;
QFileInfo mfi( path );
m->m_directory = mfi.absoluteDir().absolutePath();
m->initFrom( moduleDocument );
m->initFrom( doc );
return m;
catch ( YAML::Exception& e )
