@ -960,19 +960,18 @@ ChoicePage::updateActionChoicePreview( ChoicePage::InstallChoice choice )
QLabel* sizeLabel = new QLabel( m_previewAfterFrame );
layout->addWidget( sizeLabel );
sizeLabel->setWordWrap( true );
connect( m_afterPartitionSplitterWidget, &PartitionSplitterWidget::partitionResized,
this, [ this, sizeLabel ]( const QString& path,
qint64 size,
qint64 sizeNext )
Q_UNUSED( path )
sizeLabel->setText( tr( "%1 will be shrunk to %2MiB and a new "
"%3MiB partition will be created for %4." )
.arg( m_beforePartitionBarsView->selectionModel()->currentIndex().data().toString() )
.arg( CalamaresUtils::BytesToMiB( size ) )
.arg( CalamaresUtils::BytesToMiB( sizeNext ) )
.arg( *Calamares::Branding::ShortProductName ) );
} );
connect( m_afterPartitionSplitterWidget, &PartitionSplitterWidget::partitionResized, this,
[ this, sizeLabel ]( const QString& path, qint64 size, qint64 sizeNext )
Q_UNUSED( path )
sizeLabel->setText( tr( "%1 will be shrunk to %2MiB and a new "
"%3MiB partition will be created for %4." )
.arg( m_beforePartitionBarsView->selectionModel()->currentIndex().data().toString() )
.arg( CalamaresUtils::BytesToMiB( size ) )
.arg( CalamaresUtils::BytesToMiB( sizeNext ) )
.arg( *Calamares::Branding::ShortProductName ) );
@ -1025,18 +1024,25 @@ ChoicePage::updateActionChoicePreview( ChoicePage::InstallChoice choice )
eraseBootloaderLabel->setText( tr( "Boot loader location:" ) );
m_bootloaderComboBox = createBootloaderComboBox( eraseWidget );
connect( m_core, &PartitionCoreModule::deviceReverted,
this, [ this ]( Device* dev )
Q_UNUSED( dev )
if ( !m_bootloaderComboBox.isNull() )
connect( m_core->bootLoaderModel(), &QAbstractItemModel::modelReset,
[ this ]()
if ( m_bootloaderComboBox->model() != m_core->bootLoaderModel() )
m_bootloaderComboBox->setModel( m_core->bootLoaderModel() );
m_bootloaderComboBox->setCurrentIndex( m_lastSelectedDeviceIndex );
if ( !m_bootloaderComboBox.isNull() )
Calamares::restoreSelectedBootLoader( *m_bootloaderComboBox, m_core->bootLoaderInstallPath() );
}, Qt::QueuedConnection );
connect( m_core, &PartitionCoreModule::deviceReverted, this,
[ this ]( Device* dev )
Q_UNUSED( dev )
if ( !m_bootloaderComboBox.isNull() )
if ( m_bootloaderComboBox->model() != m_core->bootLoaderModel() )
m_bootloaderComboBox->setModel( m_core->bootLoaderModel() );
m_bootloaderComboBox->setCurrentIndex( m_lastSelectedDeviceIndex );
}, Qt::QueuedConnection );
// ^ Must be Queued so it's sure to run when the widget is already visible.
eraseLayout->addWidget( m_bootloaderComboBox );