@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ Config::Config( QObject* parent )
connect( this, &Config::requireStrongPasswordsChanged, this, &Config::checkReady );
Config::~Config() {}
Config::~Config() { }
Config::setUserShell( const QString& shell )
@ -297,10 +297,10 @@ transliterate( const QString& input )
static auto ue = UErrorCode::U_ZERO_ERROR;
static auto transliterator = std::unique_ptr< icu::Transliterator >(
icu::Transliterator::createInstance( TRANSLITERATOR_ID, UTRANS_FORWARD, ue )
icu::Transliterator::createInstance( TRANSLITERATOR_ID, UTRANS_FORWARD, ue ) );
if( ue != UErrorCode::U_ZERO_ERROR ){
if ( ue != UErrorCode::U_ZERO_ERROR )
cWarning() << "Can't create transliterator";
//it'll be checked later for non-ASCII characters
@ -378,7 +378,11 @@ Config::setFullName( const QString& name )
// Build login and hostname, if needed
static QRegExp rx( "[^a-zA-Z0-9 ]", Qt::CaseInsensitive );
QString cleanName = CalamaresUtils::removeDiacritics( transliterate( name ) ).replace( QRegExp( "[-']" ), "").replace( rx, " " ).toLower().simplified();
QString cleanName = CalamaresUtils::removeDiacritics( transliterate( name ) )
.replace( QRegExp( "[-']" ), "" )
.replace( rx, " " )
QStringList cleanParts = cleanName.split( ' ' );