@ -43,6 +43,11 @@ _ = gettext.translation("calamares-python",
def pretty_name ( ) :
return _ ( " Filling up filesystems. " )
# This is going to be changed from various methods
status = pretty_name ( )
def pretty_status_message ( ) :
return status
class UnpackEntry :
@ -52,7 +57,8 @@ class UnpackEntry:
: param sourcefs :
: param destination :
__slots__ = [ ' source ' , ' sourcefs ' , ' destination ' , ' copied ' , ' total ' , ' exclude ' , ' excludeFile ' ]
__slots__ = [ ' source ' , ' sourcefs ' , ' destination ' , ' copied ' , ' total ' , ' exclude ' , ' excludeFile ' ,
' mountPoint ' ]
def __init__ ( self , source , sourcefs , destination ) :
@ -73,10 +79,67 @@ class UnpackEntry:
self . excludeFile = None
self . copied = 0
self . total = 0
self . mountPoint = None
def is_file ( self ) :
return self . sourcefs == " file "
def do_count ( self ) :
Counts the number of files this entry has .
fslist = " "
if self . sourcefs == " squashfs " :
fslist = subprocess . check_output (
[ " unsquashfs " , " -l " , self . source ]
elif self . sourcefs == " ext4 " :
fslist = subprocess . check_output (
[ " find " , self . mountPoint , " -type " , " f " ]
elif self . is_file ( ) :
# Hasn't been mounted, copy directly; find handles both
# files and directories.
fslist = subprocess . check_output ( [ " find " , self . source , " -type " , " f " ] )
self . total = len ( fslist . splitlines ( ) )
return self . total
def do_mount ( self , base ) :
Mount given @p entry as loop device underneath @p base
A * file * entry ( e . g . one with * sourcefs * set to * file * )
is not mounted and just ignored .
: param base : directory to place all the mounts in .
: returns : None , but throws if the mount failed
imgbasename = os . path . splitext (
os . path . basename ( self . source ) ) [ 0 ]
imgmountdir = os . path . join ( base , imgbasename )
os . makedirs ( imgmountdir , exist_ok = True )
# This is where it *would* go (files bail out before actually mounting)
self . mountPoint = imgmountdir
if self . is_file ( ) :
if os . path . isdir ( self . source ) :
r = mount ( self . source , imgmountdir , " " , " --bind " )
elif os . path . isfile ( self . source ) :
r = mount ( self . source , imgmountdir , self . sourcefs , " loop " )
else : # self.source is a device
r = mount ( self . source , imgmountdir , self . sourcefs , " " )
if r != 0 :
raise subprocess . CalledProcessError ( r , " mount " )
ON_POSIX = ' posix ' in sys . builtin_module_names
@ -139,6 +202,9 @@ def file_copy(source, entry, progress_cb):
# last_num_files_copied trails num_files_copied, and whenever at least 100 more
# files have been copied, progress is reported and last_num_files_copied is updated.
last_num_files_copied = 0
file_count_chunk = entry . total / 100
if file_count_chunk < 100 :
file_count_chunk = 100
for line in iter ( process . stdout . readline , b ' ' ) :
# rsync outputs progress in parentheses. Each line will have an
@ -163,14 +229,17 @@ def file_copy(source, entry, progress_cb):
# adjusting the offset so that progressbar can be continuesly drawn
num_files_copied = num_files_total_local - num_files_remaining
# I guess we're updating every 100 files...
if num_files_copied - last_num_files_copied > = 100 :
# Update about once every 1% of this entry
if num_files_copied - last_num_files_copied > = file_count_chunk :
last_num_files_copied = num_files_copied
progress_cb ( num_files_copied , num_files_total_local )
process . wait ( )
progress_cb ( num_files_copied , num_files_total_local ) # Push towards 100%
# Mark this entry as really done
entry . copied = entry . total
# 23 is the return code rsync returns if it cannot write extended
# attributes (with -X) because the target file system does not support it,
# e.g., the FAT EFI system partition. We need -X because distributions
@ -207,20 +276,30 @@ class UnpackOperation:
progress = float ( 0 )
done = 0
done = 0 # Done and total apply to the entry now-unpacking
total = 0
complete = 0
complete = 0 # This many are already finished
for entry in self . entries :
if entry . total == 0 :
# Total 0 hasn't counted yet
total + = entry . total
done + = entry . copied
if entry . total == entry . copied :
complete + = 1
if done > 0 and total > 0 :
progress = 0.05 + ( 0.90 * done / total ) + ( 0.05 * complete / len ( self . entries ) )
else :
# There is at most *one* entry in-progress
total = entry . total
done = entry . copied
if total > 0 :
# Pretend that each entry represents an equal amount of work;
# the complete ones count as 100% of their own fraction
# (and have *not* been counted in total or done), while
# total/done represents the fraction of the current fraction.
progress = ( ( 1.0 * complete ) / len ( self . entries ) ) + ( ( 1.0 / len ( self . entries ) ) * ( 1.0 * done / total ) )
global status
status = _ ( " Unpacking image {} / {} , file {} / {} " ) . format ( ( complete + 1 ) , len ( self . entries ) , done , total )
job . setprogress ( progress )
def run ( self ) :
@ -229,78 +308,29 @@ class UnpackOperation:
: return :
global status
source_mount_path = tempfile . mkdtemp ( )
try :
complete = 0
for entry in self . entries :
imgbasename = os . path . splitext (
os . path . basename ( entry . source ) ) [ 0 ]
imgmountdir = os . path . join ( source_mount_path , imgbasename )
os . makedirs ( imgmountdir , exist_ok = True )
self . mount_image ( entry , imgmountdir )
fslist = " "
if entry . sourcefs == " squashfs " :
if shutil . which ( " unsquashfs " ) is None :
utils . warning ( " Failed to find unsquashfs " )
return ( _ ( " Failed to unpack image \" {} \" " ) . format ( entry . source ) ,
_ ( " Failed to find unsquashfs, make sure you have the squashfs-tools package installed " ) )
fslist = subprocess . check_output (
[ " unsquashfs " , " -l " , entry . source ]
elif entry . sourcefs == " ext4 " :
fslist = subprocess . check_output (
[ " find " , imgmountdir , " -type " , " f " ]
elif entry . is_file ( ) :
# Hasn't been mounted, copy directly; find handles both
# files and directories.
fslist = subprocess . check_output ( [ " find " , entry . source , " -type " , " f " ] )
entry . total = len ( fslist . splitlines ( ) )
status = _ ( " Starting to unpack {} " ) . format ( entry . source )
job . setprogress ( ( 1.0 * complete ) / len ( self . entries ) )
entry . do_mount ( source_mount_path )
entry . do_count ( ) # Fill in the entry.total
self . report_progress ( )
error_msg = self . unpack_image ( entry , imgmountdir )
error_msg = self . unpack_image ( entry , entry . mountPoint )
if error_msg :
return ( _ ( " Failed to unpack image \" {} \" " ) . format ( entry . source ) ,
error_msg )
complete + = 1
return None
finally :
shutil . rmtree ( source_mount_path , ignore_errors = True , onerror = None )
def mount_image ( self , entry , imgmountdir ) :
Mount given @p entry as loop device on @p imgmountdir .
A * file * entry ( e . g . one with * sourcefs * set to * file * )
is not mounted and just ignored .
: param entry : the entry to mount ( source is the important property )
: param imgmountdir : where to mount it
: returns : None , but throws if the mount failed
if entry . is_file ( ) :
if os . path . isdir ( entry . source ) :
r = mount ( entry . source , imgmountdir , " " , " --bind " )
elif os . path . isfile ( entry . source ) :
r = mount ( entry . source , imgmountdir , entry . sourcefs , " loop " )
else : # entry.source is a device
r = mount ( entry . source , imgmountdir , entry . sourcefs , " " )
if r != 0 :
raise subprocess . CalledProcessError ( r , " mount " )
def unpack_image ( self , entry , imgmountdir ) :
@ -379,6 +409,9 @@ def run():
supported_filesystems = get_supported_filesystems ( )
# Bail out before we start when there are obvious problems
# - unsupported filesystems
# - non-existent sources
# - missing tools for specific FS
for entry in job . configuration [ " unpack " ] :
source = os . path . abspath ( entry [ " source " ] )
sourcefs = entry [ " sourcefs " ]
@ -392,6 +425,12 @@ def run():
utils . warning ( " The source filesystem \" {} \" does not exist " . format ( source ) )
return ( _ ( " Bad unsquash configuration " ) ,
_ ( " The source filesystem \" {} \" does not exist " ) . format ( source ) )
if sourcefs == " squashfs " :
if shutil . which ( " unsquashfs " ) is None :
utils . warning ( " Failed to find unsquashfs " )
return ( _ ( " Failed to unpack image \" {} \" " ) . format ( self . source ) ,
_ ( " Failed to find unsquashfs, make sure you have the squashfs-tools package installed " ) )
unpack = list ( )