Python Better Docstrings

Gormogon 10 years ago committed by Teo Mrnjavac
parent b8b41bdfdd
commit 113d9db7cb

@ -32,6 +32,11 @@ from libcalamares.utils import check_chroot_call
def get_uuid():
root_mount_point = libcalamares.globalstorage.value("rootMountPoint")
print("Root mount point: \"{!s}\"".format(root_mount_point))
partitions = libcalamares.globalstorage.value("partitions")
@ -44,6 +49,11 @@ def get_uuid():
def get_bootloader_entry_name():
if "bootloaderEntryName" in libcalamares.job.configuration:
return libcalamares.job.configuration["bootloaderEntryName"]
@ -52,6 +62,11 @@ def get_bootloader_entry_name():
def get_kernel_line(kernel_type):
:param kernel_type:
if kernel_type == "fallback":
if "fallbackKernelLine" in libcalamares.job.configuration:
return libcalamares.job.configuration["fallbackKernelLine"]
@ -65,6 +80,12 @@ def get_kernel_line(kernel_type):
def create_conf(uuid, conf_path, kernel_line):
:param uuid:
:param conf_path:
:param kernel_line:
distribution = get_bootloader_entry_name()
kernel = libcalamares.job.configuration["kernel"]
img = libcalamares.job.configuration["img"]
@ -91,6 +112,10 @@ def create_conf(uuid, conf_path, kernel_line):
def create_loader(loader_path):
:param loader_path:
distribution = get_bootloader_entry_name()
timeout = libcalamares.job.configuration["timeout"]
file_name_sanitizer = str.maketrans(" /", "_-")
@ -107,6 +132,10 @@ def create_loader(loader_path):
def install_gummiboot(efi_directory):
:param efi_directory:
print("Bootloader: gummiboot")
install_path = libcalamares.globalstorage.value("rootMountPoint")
install_efi_directory = install_path + efi_directory
@ -134,6 +163,11 @@ def install_gummiboot(efi_directory):
def install_grub(efi_directory, fw_type):
:param efi_directory:
:param fw_type:
if fw_type == "efi":
print("Bootloader: grub (efi)")
efi_directory_firmware = efi_directory + "/EFI"
@ -166,6 +200,11 @@ def install_grub(efi_directory, fw_type):
def prepare_bootloader(fw_type):
:param fw_type:
efi_boot_loader = libcalamares.job.configuration["efiBootLoader"]
efi_directory = libcalamares.globalstorage.value("efiSystemPartition")
if fw_type == "efi":
@ -194,6 +233,11 @@ def prepare_bootloader(fw_type):
def run():
fw_type = libcalamares.globalstorage.value("firmwareType")
return None

@ -44,6 +44,11 @@ desktop_environments = [
def find_desktop_environment(root_mount_point):
:param root_mount_point:
for desktop_environment in desktop_environments:
if os.path.exists(
"{!s}{!s}".format(root_mount_point, desktop_environment.executable)) \
@ -54,6 +59,12 @@ def find_desktop_environment(root_mount_point):
def have_dm(dm_name, root_mount_point):
:param dm_name:
:param root_mount_point:
return os.path.exists(
"{!s}/usr/bin/{!s}".format(root_mount_point, dm_name)) or os.path.exists(
"{!s}/usr/sbin/{!s}".format(root_mount_point, dm_name))
@ -61,8 +72,14 @@ def have_dm(dm_name, root_mount_point):
def set_autologin(username, displaymanagers, default_desktop_environment,
""" Enables automatic login for the installed desktop managers """
Enables automatic login for the installed desktop managers.
:param username:
:param displaymanagers:
:param default_desktop_environment:
:param root_mount_point:
if "mdm" in displaymanagers:
# Systems with MDM as Desktop Manager
mdm_conf_path = os.path.join(root_mount_point, "etc/mdm/custom.conf")
@ -206,12 +223,14 @@ def set_autologin(username, displaymanagers, default_desktop_environment,
def run():
""" Configure display managers """
# We acquire a list of displaymanagers, either from config or (overridden) from globalstorage.
# This module will try to set up (including autologin) all the displaymanagers in the list, in that specific order.
# Most distros will probably only ship one displaymanager.
# If a displaymanager is in the list but not installed, a debugging message is printed and the entry ignored.
Configure display managers.
We acquire a list of displaymanagers, either from config or (overridden) from globalstorage.
This module will try to set up (including autologin) all the displaymanagers in the list, in that specific order.
Most distros will probably only ship one displaymanager.
If a displaymanager is in the list but not installed, a debugging message is printed and the entry ignored.
if "displaymanagers" in libcalamares.job.configuration:
displaymanagers = libcalamares.job.configuration["displaymanagers"]

@ -24,10 +24,20 @@ from libcalamares.utils import chroot_call
def run_dracut():
return chroot_call(['dracut', '-f'])
def run():
returnCode = run_dracut()
if returnCode != 0:
return ("Failed to run dracut on the target", "The exit code was {}".format(returnCode))

@ -24,6 +24,11 @@ from time import gmtime, strftime
def run():
os.system("/bin/sh -c \"touch ~/calamares-dummypython\"")
accumulator = strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", gmtime()) + "\n"
accumulator += "Calamares version: " + libcalamares.VERSION_SHORT + "\n"

@ -41,11 +41,20 @@ FS_MAP = {
def mkdir_p(path):
:param path:
if not os.path.exists(path):
def is_ssd_disk(disk_name):
:param disk_name:
filename = os.path.join("/sys/block", disk_name, "queue/rotational")
if not os.path.exists(filename):
# Should not happen unless sysfs changes, but better safe than sorry
@ -55,11 +64,24 @@ def is_ssd_disk(disk_name):
def disk_name_for_partition(partition):
:param partition:
name = os.path.basename(partition["device"])
return re.sub("[0-9]+$", "", name)
class FstabGenerator(object):
:param partitions:
:param root_mount_point:
:param mount_options:
:param ssd_extra_mount_options:
def __init__(self, partitions, root_mount_point, mount_options,
self.partitions = partitions
@ -70,17 +92,29 @@ class FstabGenerator(object):
self.root_is_ssd = False
def run(self):
return None
def find_ssd_disks(self):
disks = {disk_name_for_partition(x) for x in self.partitions}
self.ssd_disks = {x for x in disks if is_ssd_disk(x)}
def generate_fstab(self):
# Create fstab
Create fstab.
mkdir_p(os.path.join(self.root_mount_point, "etc"))
fstab_path = os.path.join(self.root_mount_point, "etc", "fstab")
with open(fstab_path, "w") as fl:
@ -102,6 +136,11 @@ class FstabGenerator(object):
self.print_fstab_line(dct, file=fl)
def generate_fstab_line_info(self, partition):
:param partition:
fs = partition["fs"]
mount_point = partition["mountPoint"]
disk_name = disk_name_for_partition(partition)
@ -136,6 +175,11 @@ class FstabGenerator(object):
def print_fstab_line(self, dct, file=None):
:param dct:
:param file:
line = "{:41} {:<14} {:<7} {:<10} 0 {}".format(
@ -145,12 +189,21 @@ class FstabGenerator(object):
print(line, file=file)
def create_mount_points(self):
for partition in self.partitions:
if partition["mountPoint"]:
mkdir_p(self.root_mount_point + partition["mountPoint"])
def run():
gs = libcalamares.globalstorage
conf = libcalamares.job.configuration
partitions = gs.value("partitions")

@ -23,6 +23,13 @@ import os
def modify_grub_default(partitions, root_mount_point, distributor):
:param partitions:
:param root_mount_point:
:param distributor:
default_dir = os.path.join(root_mount_point, "etc/default")
default_grub = os.path.join(default_dir, "grub")
distributor_replace = distributor.replace("'", "'\\''")
@ -95,6 +102,11 @@ def modify_grub_default(partitions, root_mount_point, distributor):
def run():
partitions = libcalamares.globalstorage.value("partitions")
root_mount_point = libcalamares.globalstorage.value("rootMountPoint")
branding = libcalamares.globalstorage.value("branding")

@ -23,10 +23,19 @@ from libcalamares.utils import check_chroot_call
def run_mkinitcpio():
kernel = libcalamares.job.configuration['kernel']
check_chroot_call(['mkinitcpio', '-p', kernel])
def run():
return None

@ -30,9 +30,7 @@ def cpuinfo():
Return the information in /proc/cpuinfo as a dictionary in the following format:
cpuinfo = OrderedDict()
procinfo = OrderedDict()
@ -55,8 +53,13 @@ def cpuinfo():
def set_mkinitcpio_hooks_and_modules(hooks, modules, root_mount_point):
""" Set up mkinitcpio.conf """
Set up mkinitcpio.conf.
:param hooks:
:param modules:
:param root_mount_point:
with open("/etc/mkinitcpio.conf", "r") as mkinitcpio_file:
mklins = [x.strip() for x in mkinitcpio_file.readlines()]
@ -74,8 +77,12 @@ def set_mkinitcpio_hooks_and_modules(hooks, modules, root_mount_point):
def modify_mkinitcpio_conf(partitions, root_mount_point):
""" Modifies mkinitcpio.conf """
Modifies mkinitcpio.conf
:param partitions:
:param root_mount_point:
cpu = cpuinfo()
swap_uuid = ""
btrfs = ""
@ -109,6 +116,11 @@ def modify_mkinitcpio_conf(partitions, root_mount_point):
def run():
partitions = libcalamares.globalstorage.value("partitions")
root_mount_point = libcalamares.globalstorage.value("rootMountPoint")
modify_mkinitcpio_conf(partitions, root_mount_point)

@ -22,6 +22,11 @@ from libcalamares.utils import chroot_call
def run():
returnCode = chroot_call(["update-initramfs", "-k", "all", "-u"])
if returnCode != 0:
return ("Failed to run update-initramfs on the target", "The exit code was {}".format(returnCode))

@ -24,6 +24,11 @@ from libcalamares.utils import check_chroot_call
def run():
root_mount_point = libcalamares.globalstorage.value("rootMountPoint")
enable_systemd = libcalamares.job.configuration["systemd"]
enable_dbus = libcalamares.job.configuration["dbus"]

@ -24,6 +24,11 @@ import libcalamares
def mount_partitions(root_mount_point, partitions):
:param root_mount_point:
:param partitions:
for partition in partitions:
if not partition["mountPoint"]:
@ -44,6 +49,11 @@ def mount_partitions(root_mount_point, partitions):
def run():
root_mount_point = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="calamares-root-")
partitions = libcalamares.globalstorage.value("partitions")
extra_mounts = libcalamares.job.configuration["extraMounts"]

@ -23,10 +23,18 @@ from libcalamares.utils import check_chroot_call, chroot_call
class PackageManager:
:param backend:
def __init__(self, backend):
self.backend = backend
def install(self, pkgs):
:param pkgs:
if self.backend == "packagekit":
for pkg in pkgs:
check_chroot_call(["pkcon", "-py", "install", pkg])
@ -48,6 +56,10 @@ class PackageManager:
check_chroot_call(["pacman", "-Sy", "--noconfirm"] + pkgs)
def remove(self, pkgs):
:param pkgs:
if self.backend == "packagekit":
for pkg in pkgs:
check_chroot_call(["pkcon", "-py", "remove", pkg])
@ -68,6 +80,11 @@ class PackageManager:
def run_operations(pkgman, entry):
:param pkgman:
:param entry:
for key in entry.keys():
if key == "install":
@ -76,6 +93,11 @@ def run_operations(pkgman, entry):
def run():
backend = libcalamares.job.configuration.get("backend")
if backend not in ("packagekit", "zypp", "yum", "dnf", "urpmi", "apt", "pacman"):
return ("Bad backend", "backend=\"{}\"".format(backend))

@ -35,6 +35,13 @@ except ImportError:
class Job:
:param working_path:
:param doc:
:param cfg_doc:
def __init__(self, working_path, doc, cfg_doc):
self.module_name = doc["name"]
self.pretty_name = "Testing job " + doc["name"]
@ -42,10 +49,19 @@ class Job:
self.configuration = cfg_doc
def setprogress(self, progress):
:param progress:
print("Job set progress to {}%.".format(progress * 100))
def main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
help="Dir containing the Python module.")

@ -25,6 +25,11 @@ import libcalamares
def list_mounts(root_mount_point):
:param root_mount_point:
lst = []
for line in open("/etc/mtab").readlines():
device, mount_point, _ = line.split(" ", 2)
@ -34,6 +39,11 @@ def list_mounts(root_mount_point):
def run():
root_mount_point = libcalamares.globalstorage.value("rootMountPoint")
if not root_mount_point:
return ("No mount point for root partition in globalstorage",

@ -32,6 +32,12 @@ from libcalamares import *
class UnpackEntry:
:param source:
:param sourcefs:
:param destination:
__slots__ = ['source', 'sourcefs', 'destination', 'copied', 'total']
def __init__(self, source, sourcefs, destination):
@ -46,6 +52,11 @@ ON_POSIX = 'posix' in sys.builtin_module_names
def list_excludes(destination):
:param destination:
lst = []
extra_mounts = globalstorage.value("extraMounts")
for extra_mount in extra_mounts:
@ -56,6 +67,13 @@ def list_excludes(destination):
def file_copy(source, dest, progress_cb):
:param source:
:param dest:
:param progress_cb:
# Environment used for executing rsync properly
# Setting locale to C (fix issue with tr_TR locale)
at_env = os.environ
@ -106,11 +124,19 @@ def file_copy(source, dest, progress_cb):
class UnpackOperation:
:param entries:
def __init__(self, entries):
self.entries = entries
self.entry_for_source = dict((x.source, x) for x in self.entries)
def report_progress(self):
progress = float(0)
for entry in self.entries:
if == 0:
@ -124,6 +150,11 @@ class UnpackOperation:
def run(self):
source_mount_path = tempfile.mkdtemp()
for entry in self.entries:
@ -161,6 +192,11 @@ class UnpackOperation:
def mount_image(self, entry, imgmountdir):
:param entry:
:param imgmountdir:
@ -169,7 +205,18 @@ class UnpackOperation:
"-o", "loop"])
def unpack_image(self, entry, imgmountdir):
:param entry:
:param imgmountdir:
def progress_cb(copied):
:param copied:
entry.copied = copied
@ -196,6 +243,11 @@ def run():
# sourcefs: "squashfs"
# destination: ""
PATH_PROCFS = '/proc/filesystems'
root_mount_point = globalstorage.value("rootMountPoint")
