@ -106,90 +106,172 @@ WelcomePage::WelcomePage( RequirementsChecker* requirementsChecker, QWidget* par
/** @brief Match the combobox of languages with a predicate
* Scans the entries in the @p list (actually a ComboBox) and if one
* matches the given @p predicate, returns true and sets @p matchFound
* to the locale that matched.
* If none match, returns false and leaves @p matchFound unchanged.
bool matchLocale( QComboBox& list, QLocale& matchFound, std::function<bool(const QLocale&)> predicate)
ui->languageWidget->setInsertPolicy( QComboBox::InsertAlphabetically );
for (int i = 0; i < list.count(); i++)
QLocale thisLocale = list.itemData( i, Qt::UserRole ).toLocale();
if ( predicate(thisLocale) )
list.setCurrentIndex( i );
cDebug() << " .. Matched locale " << thisLocale.name();
matchFound = thisLocale;
return true;
QLocale defaultLocale = QLocale( QLocale::system().name() );
return false;
struct LocaleLabel
LocaleLabel( const QString& locale )
: m_locale( LocaleLabel::getLocale( locale ) )
, m_localeId( locale )
bool isTranslationAvailable = false;
QString sortKey = QLocale::languageToString( m_locale.language() );
QString label = m_locale.nativeLanguageName();
const auto locales = QString( CALAMARES_TRANSLATION_LANGUAGES ).split( ';');
for ( const QString& locale : locales )
if ( locale.contains( '_' ) && QLocale::countriesForLanguage( m_locale.language() ).count() > 2 )
QLocale thisLocale = QLocale( locale );
QString lang = QLocale::languageToString( thisLocale.language() );
if ( QLocale::countriesForLanguage( thisLocale.language() ).count() > 2 )
lang.append( QString( " (%1)" )
.arg( QLocale::countryToString( thisLocale.country() ) ) );
ui->languageWidget->addItem( lang, thisLocale );
if ( thisLocale.language() == defaultLocale.language() &&
thisLocale.country() == defaultLocale.country() )
isTranslationAvailable = true;
ui->languageWidget->setCurrentIndex( ui->languageWidget->count() - 1 );
cDebug() << "Initial locale " << thisLocale.name();
CalamaresUtils::installTranslator( thisLocale.name(),
qApp );
sortKey.append( QString( " (%1)" )
.arg( QLocale::countryToString( m_locale.country() ) ) );
// If the language name is RTL, make this parenthetical addition RTL as well.
QString countryFormat = label.isRightToLeft() ? QString( QChar( 0x202B ) ) : QString();
countryFormat.append( QLatin1String( " (%1)" ) );
label.append( countryFormat.arg( m_locale.nativeCountryName() ) );
if ( !isTranslationAvailable )
m_sortKey = sortKey;
m_label = label;
QLocale m_locale;
QString m_localeId; // the locale identifier, e.g. "en_GB"
QString m_sortKey; // the English name of the locale
QString m_label; // the native name of the locale
/** @brief Define a sorting order.
* English (@see isEnglish() -- it means en_US) is sorted at the top.
bool operator <(const LocaleLabel& other) const
if ( isEnglish() )
return !other.isEnglish();
if ( other.isEnglish() )
return false;
return m_sortKey < other.m_sortKey;
/** @brief Is this locale English?
* en_US and en (American English) is defined as English. The Queen's
* English -- proper English -- is relegated to non-English status.
constexpr bool isEnglish() const
return m_localeId == QLatin1Literal( "en_US" ) || m_localeId == QLatin1Literal( "en" );
static QLocale getLocale( const QString& localeName )
if ( localeName.contains( "@latin" ) )
for (int i = 0; i < ui->languageWidget->count(); i++)
QLocale thisLocale = ui->languageWidget->itemData( i, Qt::UserRole ).toLocale();
if ( thisLocale.language() == defaultLocale.language() )
isTranslationAvailable = true;
ui->languageWidget->setCurrentIndex( i );
cDebug() << "Initial locale " << thisLocale.name();
CalamaresUtils::installTranslator( thisLocale.name(),
qApp );
QLocale loc( localeName );
return QLocale( loc.language(), QLocale::Script::LatinScript, loc.country() );
return QLocale( localeName );
} ;
if ( !isTranslationAvailable )
// Fill the list of translations
ui->languageWidget->setInsertPolicy( QComboBox::InsertAtBottom );
std::list< LocaleLabel > localeList;
const auto locales = QString( CALAMARES_TRANSLATION_LANGUAGES ).split( ';');
for ( const QString& locale : locales )
for (int i = 0; i < ui->languageWidget->count(); i++)
QLocale thisLocale = ui->languageWidget->itemData( i, Qt::UserRole ).toLocale();
if ( thisLocale == QLocale( QLocale::English, QLocale::UnitedStates ) )
isTranslationAvailable = true;
ui->languageWidget->setCurrentIndex( i );
cDebug() << "Translation unavailable, so initial locale set to " << thisLocale.name();
QLocale::setDefault( thisLocale );
CalamaresUtils::installTranslator( thisLocale.name(),
qApp );
localeList.emplace_back( locale );
if ( !isTranslationAvailable )
cWarning() << "No available translation matched" << defaultLocale;
localeList.sort(); // According to the sortkey, which is english
connect( ui->languageWidget,
static_cast< void ( QComboBox::* )( int ) >( &QComboBox::currentIndexChanged ),
this, [ & ]( int newIndex )
for ( const auto& locale : localeList )
QLocale selectedLocale = ui->languageWidget->itemData( newIndex, Qt::UserRole ).toLocale();
cDebug() << "Selected locale" << selectedLocale.name();
cDebug() << locale.m_localeId << locale.m_sortKey;
ui->languageWidget->addItem( locale.m_label, locale.m_locale );
QLocale::setDefault( selectedLocale );
CalamaresUtils::installTranslator( selectedLocale,
qApp );
} );
// Find the best initial translation
QLocale defaultLocale = QLocale( QLocale::system().name() );
QLocale matchedLocale;
cDebug() << "Matching exact locale" << defaultLocale;
bool isTranslationAvailable =
matchLocale( *(ui->languageWidget), matchedLocale,
[&](const QLocale& x){ return x.language() == defaultLocale.language() && x.country() == defaultLocale.country(); } );
if ( !isTranslationAvailable )
cDebug() << "Matching approximate locale" << defaultLocale.language();
isTranslationAvailable =
matchLocale( *(ui->languageWidget), matchedLocale,
[&](const QLocale& x){ return x.language() == defaultLocale.language(); } ) ;
if ( !isTranslationAvailable )
QLocale en_us( QLocale::English, QLocale::UnitedStates );
cDebug() << "Matching English (US)";
isTranslationAvailable =
matchLocale( *(ui->languageWidget), matchedLocale,
[&](const QLocale& x){ return x == en_us; } );
// Now, if it matched, because we didn't match the system locale, switch to the one found
if ( isTranslationAvailable )
QLocale::setDefault( matchedLocale );
if ( isTranslationAvailable )
CalamaresUtils::installTranslator( matchedLocale.name(),
qApp );
cWarning() << "No available translation matched" << defaultLocale;
connect( ui->languageWidget,
static_cast< void ( QComboBox::* )( int ) >( &QComboBox::currentIndexChanged ),
[&]( int newIndex )
QLocale selectedLocale = ui->languageWidget->itemData( newIndex, Qt::UserRole ).toLocale();
cDebug() << "Selected locale" << selectedLocale;
QLocale::setDefault( selectedLocale );
CalamaresUtils::installTranslator( selectedLocale,
qApp );
} );