[finished] Improve logging of restart mode

- Don't use weirdly-named mode, store named mode in page,
 - Log the actual mode name when setting up the restart button.
Adriaan de Groot 6 years ago
parent 38c36e2439
commit 0c24a01eb9

@ -39,7 +39,7 @@
FinishedPage::FinishedPage( QWidget* parent )
: QWidget( parent )
, ui( new Ui::FinishedPage )
, m_restartSetUp( false )
, m_mode( FinishedViewStep::RestartMode::UserUnchecked )
ui->setupUi( this );
@ -83,6 +83,8 @@ FinishedPage::setRestart( FinishedViewStep::RestartMode mode )
using Mode = FinishedViewStep::RestartMode;
m_mode = mode;
ui->restartCheckBox->setVisible( mode != Mode::Never );
ui->restartCheckBox->setEnabled( mode != Mode::Always );
ui->restartCheckBox->setChecked( ( mode == Mode::Always ) || ( mode == Mode::UserChecked ) );
@ -100,18 +102,20 @@ void
cDebug() << "FinishedPage::setUpRestart(), Quit button"
<< "setup=" << m_restartSetUp
<< "setup=" << FinishedViewStep::modeName( m_mode )
<< "command=" << m_restartNowCommand;
if ( !m_restartSetUp )
connect( qApp, &QApplication::aboutToQuit,
this, [this]
if ( ui->restartCheckBox->isVisible() &&
ui->restartCheckBox->isChecked() )
QProcess::execute( "/bin/sh", { "-c", m_restartNowCommand } );
} );
connect( qApp, &QApplication::aboutToQuit,
if ( ui->restartCheckBox->isVisible() &&
ui->restartCheckBox->isChecked() )
cDebug() << "Running restart command" << m_restartNowCommand;
QProcess::execute( "/bin/sh", { "-c", m_restartNowCommand } );

@ -49,9 +49,8 @@ protected:
Ui::FinishedPage* ui;
FinishedViewStep::RestartMode m_mode;
QString m_restartNowCommand;
bool m_restartSetUp;

@ -210,4 +210,11 @@ FinishedViewStep::setConfigurationMap( const QVariantMap& configurationMap )
m_notifyOnFinished = CalamaresUtils::getBool( configurationMap, "notifyOnFinished", false );
QString FinishedViewStep::modeName(FinishedViewStep::RestartMode m)
bool ok = false;
return modeNames().find( m, ok ); // May be QString()
CALAMARES_PLUGIN_FACTORY_DEFINITION( FinishedViewStepFactory, registerPlugin<FinishedViewStep>(); )

@ -41,6 +41,8 @@ public:
UserChecked, ///< @brief Show button, starts checked
Always ///< @brief Show button, can't change, checked
/// @brief Returns the config-name of the given restart-mode @p m
static QString modeName( RestartMode m );
explicit FinishedViewStep( QObject* parent = nullptr );
virtual ~FinishedViewStep() override;
