@ -48,8 +48,8 @@ class UnpackEntry:
:param sourcefs:
:param destination:
__slots__ = ['source', 'sourcefs', 'destination', 'copied', 'total', 'exclude', 'excludeFile',
__slots__ = ('source', 'sourcefs', 'destination', 'copied', 'total', 'exclude', 'excludeFile',
'mountPoint', 'weight')
def __init__(self, source, sourcefs, destination):
@ -71,6 +71,7 @@ class UnpackEntry:
self.copied = 0
self.total = 0
self.mountPoint = None
self.weight = 1
def is_file(self):
return self.sourcefs == "file"
@ -162,6 +163,8 @@ def file_copy(source, entry, progress_cb):
:param progress_cb: A callback function for progress reporting.
Takes a number and a total-number.
import time
dest = entry.destination
# Environment used for executing rsync properly
@ -190,12 +193,14 @@ def file_copy(source, entry, progress_cb):
args, env=at_env,
stdout=subprocess.PIPE, close_fds=ON_POSIX
# last_num_files_copied trails num_files_copied, and whenever at least 100 more
# files have been copied, progress is reported and last_num_files_copied is updated.
# last_num_files_copied trails num_files_copied, and whenever at least 107 more
# files (file_count_chunk) have been copied, progress is reported and
# last_num_files_copied is updated. The chunk size isn't "tidy"
# so that all the digits of the progress-reported number change.
last_num_files_copied = 0
file_count_chunk = entry.total / 100
if file_count_chunk < 100:
file_count_chunk = 100
last_timestamp_reported = time.time()
file_count_chunk = 107
for line in iter(process.stdout.readline, b''):
# rsync outputs progress in parentheses. Each line will have an
@ -220,9 +225,10 @@ def file_copy(source, entry, progress_cb):
# adjusting the offset so that progressbar can be continuesly drawn
num_files_copied = num_files_total_local - num_files_remaining
# Update about once every 1% of this entry
if num_files_copied - last_num_files_copied >= file_count_chunk:
now = time.time()
if (num_files_copied - last_num_files_copied >= file_count_chunk) or (now - last_timestamp_reported > 0.5):
last_num_files_copied = num_files_copied
last_timestamp_reported = now
progress_cb(num_files_copied, num_files_total_local)
@ -260,6 +266,7 @@ class UnpackOperation:
def __init__(self, entries):
self.entries = entries
self.entry_for_source = dict((x.source, x) for x in self.entries)
self.total_weight = sum([e.weight for e in entries])
def report_progress(self):
@ -267,30 +274,29 @@ class UnpackOperation:
progress = float(0)
done = 0 # Done and total apply to the entry now-unpacking
total = 0
complete = 0 # This many are already finished
current_total = 0
current_done = 0 # Files count in the current entry
complete_count = 0
complete_weight = 0 # This much weight already finished
for entry in self.entries:
if entry.total == 0:
# Total 0 hasn't counted yet
if entry.total == entry.copied:
complete += 1
complete_weight += entry.weight
complete_count += 1
# There is at most *one* entry in-progress
total = entry.total
done = entry.copied
current_total = entry.total
current_done = entry.copied
complete_weight += entry.weight * ( 1.0 * current_done ) / current_total
if total > 0:
# Pretend that each entry represents an equal amount of work;
# the complete ones count as 100% of their own fraction
# (and have *not* been counted in total or done), while
# total/done represents the fraction of the current fraction.
progress = ( ( 1.0 * complete ) / len(self.entries) ) + ( ( 1.0 / len(self.entries) ) * ( 1.0 * done / total ) )
if current_total > 0:
progress = ( 1.0 * complete_weight ) / self.total_weight
global status
status = _("Unpacking image {}/{}, file {}/{}").format((complete+1),len(self.entries),done, total)
status = _("Unpacking image {}/{}, file {}/{}").format((complete_count+1), len(self.entries), current_done, current_total)
def run(self):
@ -395,6 +401,24 @@ def repair_root_permissions(root_mount_point):
# But ignore it
def extract_weight(entry):
Given @p entry, a dict representing a single entry in
the *unpack* list, returns its weight (1, or whatever is
set if it is sensible).
w = entry.get("weight", None)
if w:
wi = int(w)
return wi if wi > 0 else 1
except ValueError:
utils.warning("*weight* setting {!r} is not valid.".format(w))
except TypeError:
utils.warning("*weight* setting {!r} must be number.".format(w))
return 1
def run():
Unsquash filesystem.
@ -461,6 +485,7 @@ def run():
unpack[-1].exclude = entry["exclude"]
if entry.get("excludeFile", None):
unpack[-1].excludeFile = entry["excludeFile"]
unpack[-1].weight = extract_weight(entry)
is_first = False