[libcalamares] Test the packages service API

- check that the variant and the string-list version of
  the API do the same thing, check independence of
  settings for different instance keys.
Adriaan de Groot 4 years ago
parent e400f79673
commit 049b9f9c74

@ -24,7 +24,15 @@ private Q_SLOTS:
void initTestCase();
void testEmpty();
void testAdd_data();
/** @brief Test various add calls, for a "clean" GS
* Check that adding through the variant- and the stringlist-API
* does the same thing.
void testAdd();
/// Test replacement and mixing string-list with variant calls
void testAddMixed();
@ -46,38 +54,179 @@ PackagesTests::testEmpty()
// Adding nothing at all does nothing
QVERIFY( !CalamaresUtils::Packages::setGSPackageAdditions( &gs, k, QVariantList(), QVariantList() ) );
QVERIFY( !gs.contains( topKey ) );
QVERIFY( !CalamaresUtils::Packages::setGSPackageAdditions( &gs, k, QStringList() ) );
QVERIFY( !gs.contains( topKey ) );
QTest::addColumn< QStringList >( "packages" );
QTest::newRow( "one" ) << QStringList { QString( "vim" ) };
QTest::newRow( "two" ) << QStringList { QString( "vim" ), QString( "emacs" ) };
QTest::newRow( "one-again" ) << QStringList { QString( "nano" ) };
QTest::newRow( "six" ) << QStringList { QString( "vim" ), QString( "emacs" ), QString( "nano" ),
QString( "kate" ), QString( "gedit" ), QString( "sublime" ) };
// There is no "de-duplication" so this will insert "cim" twice
QTest::newRow( "dups" ) << QStringList { QString( "cim" ), QString( "vim" ), QString( "cim" ) };
Calamares::GlobalStorage gs;
const QString extraEditor( "notepad++" );
const QString topKey( "packageOperations" );
Calamares::ModuleSystem::InstanceKey k( "this", "that" );
Calamares::ModuleSystem::InstanceKey otherInstance( "this", "other" );
QFETCH( QStringList, packages );
QVERIFY( !packages.contains( extraEditor ) );
QVERIFY( !gs.contains( topKey ) );
CalamaresUtils::Packages::setGSPackageAdditions( &gs, k, QVariant( packages ).toList(), QVariantList() ) );
QVERIFY( gs.contains( topKey ) );
auto actionList = gs.value( topKey ).toList();
QCOMPARE( actionList.length(), 1 );
auto action = actionList[ 0 ].toMap();
QVERIFY( action.contains( "install" ) );
auto op = action[ "install" ].toList();
QCOMPARE( op.length(), packages.length() );
for ( const auto& s : qAsConst( packages ) )
QVERIFY( op.contains( s ) );
cDebug() << op;
QVERIFY( CalamaresUtils::Packages::setGSPackageAdditions( &gs, otherInstance, packages ) );
QVERIFY( gs.contains( topKey ) );
auto actionList = gs.value( topKey ).toList();
QCOMPARE( actionList.length(), 2 ); // One for each instance key!
auto action = actionList[ 0 ].toMap();
auto secondaction = actionList[ 1 ].toMap();
auto op = action[ "install" ].toList();
auto secondop = secondaction[ "install" ].toList();
QCOMPARE( op, secondop );
// Replace one and expect differences
packages << extraEditor;
QVERIFY( CalamaresUtils::Packages::setGSPackageAdditions( &gs, otherInstance, packages ) );
QVERIFY( gs.contains( topKey ) );
auto actionList = gs.value( topKey ).toList();
QCOMPARE( actionList.length(), 2 ); // One for each instance key!
for ( const auto& actionVariant : qAsConst( actionList ) )
auto action = actionVariant.toMap();
QVERIFY( action.contains( "install" ) );
QVERIFY( action.contains( "source" ) );
if ( action[ "source" ].toString() == otherInstance.toString() )
auto op = action[ "install" ].toList();
QCOMPARE( op.length(), packages.length() ); // changed from original length, though
for ( const auto& s : qAsConst( packages ) )
QVERIFY( op.contains( s ) );
// This is the "original" instance, so it's missing extraEditor
auto op = action[ "install" ].toList();
QCOMPARE( op.length(), packages.length()-1 ); // changed from original length
QVERIFY( !op.contains( extraEditor ) );
QVERIFY( !gs.contains( topKey ) );
CalamaresUtils::Packages::setGSPackageAdditions( &gs, k, QVariantList { QString( "vim" ) }, QVariantList() ) );
QVERIFY( gs.contains( topKey ) );
auto actionList = gs.value( topKey ).toList();
QCOMPARE( actionList.length(), 1 );
auto action = actionList[ 0 ].toMap();
QVERIFY( action.contains( "install" ) );
auto op = action[ "install" ].toList();
QCOMPARE( op.length(), 1 );
cDebug() << op;
QVERIFY( CalamaresUtils::Packages::setGSPackageAdditions(
&gs, k, QVariantList { QString( "vim" ), QString( "emacs" ) }, QVariantList() ) );
QVERIFY( gs.contains( topKey ) );
actionList = gs.value( topKey ).toList();
QCOMPARE( actionList.length(), 1 );
action = actionList[ 0 ].toMap();
QVERIFY( action.contains( "install" ) );
op = action[ "install" ].toList();
QCOMPARE( op.length(), 2 );
QCOMPARE( action[ "source" ].toString(), k.toString() );
cDebug() << op;
Calamares::GlobalStorage gs;
const QString extraEditor( "notepad++" );
const QString topKey( "packageOperations" );
Calamares::ModuleSystem::InstanceKey k( "this", "that" );
Calamares::ModuleSystem::InstanceKey otherInstance( "this", "other" );
// Just one
QVERIFY( !gs.contains( topKey ) );
QVERIFY( CalamaresUtils::Packages::setGSPackageAdditions(
&gs, k, QVariantList { QString( "vim" ) }, QVariantList() ) );
QVERIFY( gs.contains( topKey ) );
auto actionList = gs.value( topKey ).toList();
QCOMPARE( actionList.length(), 1 );
auto action = actionList[ 0 ].toMap();
QVERIFY( action.contains( "install" ) );
auto op = action[ "install" ].toList();
QCOMPARE( op.length(), 1 );
QCOMPARE( op[ 0 ], QString( "vim" ) );
cDebug() << op;
// Replace with two packages
QVERIFY( CalamaresUtils::Packages::setGSPackageAdditions(
&gs, k, QVariantList { QString( "vim" ), QString( "emacs" ) }, QVariantList() ) );
QVERIFY( gs.contains( topKey ) );
auto actionList = gs.value( topKey ).toList();
QCOMPARE( actionList.length(), 1 );
auto action = actionList[ 0 ].toMap();
QVERIFY( action.contains( "install" ) );
auto op = action[ "install" ].toList();
QCOMPARE( op.length(), 2 );
QCOMPARE( action[ "source" ].toString(), k.toString() );
QVERIFY( op.contains( QString( "vim" ) ) );
QVERIFY( op.contains( QString( "emacs" ) ) );
cDebug() << op;
// Replace with one (different) package
QVERIFY( CalamaresUtils::Packages::setGSPackageAdditions(
&gs, k, QVariantList { QString( "nano" ) }, QVariantList() ) );
QVERIFY( gs.contains( topKey ) );
auto actionList = gs.value( topKey ).toList();
QCOMPARE( actionList.length(), 1 );
auto action = actionList[ 0 ].toMap();
QVERIFY( action.contains( "install" ) );
auto op = action[ "install" ].toList();
QCOMPARE( op.length(), 1 );
QCOMPARE( action[ "source" ].toString(), k.toString() );
QCOMPARE( op[ 0 ], QString( "nano" ) );
cDebug() << op;
// Now we have two sources
QVERIFY( CalamaresUtils::Packages::setGSPackageAdditions( &gs, otherInstance, QStringList( extraEditor ) ) );
QVERIFY( gs.contains( topKey ) );
auto actionList = gs.value( topKey ).toList();
QCOMPARE( actionList.length(), 2 );
for ( const auto& actionVariant : qAsConst( actionList ) )
auto action = actionVariant.toMap();
QVERIFY( action.contains( "install" ) );
QVERIFY( action.contains( "source" ) );
if ( action[ "source" ].toString() == otherInstance.toString() )
auto op = action[ "install" ].toList();
QCOMPARE( op.length(), 1 );
op.contains( action[ "source" ] == otherInstance.toString() ? extraEditor : QString( "nano" ) ) );
