You cannot select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
629 lines
26 KiB
629 lines
26 KiB
const assert = require('assert');
const low = require('lowdb')
const winston = require('winston');
const path = require('path');
const FileSync = require('lowdb/adapters/FileSync');
const adapter = new FileSync('./appdata/db.json');
const db = low(adapter)
const users_adapter = new FileSync('./appdata/users.json');
const users_db = low(users_adapter);
const defaultFormat = winston.format.printf(({ level, message, label, timestamp }) => {
return `${timestamp} ${level.toUpperCase()}: ${message}`;
let debugMode = process.env.YTDL_MODE === 'debug';
const logger = winston.createLogger({
level: 'info',
format: winston.format.combine(winston.format.timestamp(), defaultFormat),
defaultMeta: {},
transports: [
// - Write to all logs with level `info` and below to `combined.log`
// - Write all logs error (and below) to `error.log`.
new winston.transports.File({ filename: 'appdata/logs/error.log', level: 'error' }),
new winston.transports.File({ filename: 'appdata/logs/combined.log' }),
new winston.transports.Console({level: 'debug', name: 'console'})
var auth_api = require('../authentication/auth');
var db_api = require('../db');
const utils = require('../utils');
const subscriptions_api = require('../subscriptions');
const fs = require('fs-extra');
const { uuid } = require('uuidv4');
const NodeID3 = require('node-id3');
db_api.initialize(db, users_db);
const sample_video_json = {
id: "Sample Video",
title: "Sample Video",
thumbnailURL: "https://sampleurl.jpg",
isAudio: false,
duration: 177.413,
url: "",
uploader: "Sample Uploader",
size: 2838445,
path: "users\\admin\\video\\Sample Video.mp4",
upload_date: "2017-07-28",
description: null,
view_count: 230,
abr: 128,
thumbnailPath: null,
user_uid: "admin",
uid: "1ada04ab-2773-4dd4-bbdd-3e2d40761c50",
registered: 1628469039377
describe('Database', async function() {
describe('Import', async function() {
it('Migrate', async function() {
await db_api.connectToDB();
await db_api.removeAllRecords();
const success = await db_api.importJSONToDB(db.value(), users_db.value());
it('Transfer to remote', async function() {
await db_api.removeAllRecords('test');
await db_api.insertRecordIntoTable('test', {test: 'test'});
await db_api.transferDB(true);
const success = await db_api.getRecord('test', {test: 'test'});
it('Transfer to local', async function() {
await db_api.connectToDB();
await db_api.removeAllRecords('test');
await db_api.insertRecordIntoTable('test', {test: 'test'});
await db_api.transferDB(false);
const success = await db_api.getRecord('test', {test: 'test'});
it('Restore db', async function() {
const db_stats = await db_api.getDBStats();
const file_name = await db_api.backupDB();
await db_api.restoreDB(file_name);
const new_db_stats = await db_api.getDBStats();
assert(JSON.stringify(db_stats), JSON.stringify(new_db_stats));
describe('Export', function() {
describe('Basic functions', async function() {
beforeEach(async function() {
await db_api.connectToDB();
await db_api.removeAllRecords('test');
it('Add and read record', async function() {
await db_api.insertRecordIntoTable('test', {test_add: 'test', test_undefined: undefined, test_null: undefined});
const added_record = await db_api.getRecord('test', {test_add: 'test', test_undefined: undefined, test_null: null});
assert(added_record['test_add'] === 'test');
await db_api.removeRecord('test', {test_add: 'test'});
it('Find duplicates by key', async function() {
const test_duplicates = [
test: 'testing',
key: '1'
test: 'testing',
key: '2'
test: 'testing_missing',
key: '3'
test: 'testing',
key: '4'
await db_api.insertRecordsIntoTable('test', test_duplicates);
const duplicates = await db_api.findDuplicatesByKey('test', 'test');
it('Update record', async function() {
await db_api.insertRecordIntoTable('test', {test_update: 'test'});
await db_api.updateRecord('test', {test_update: 'test'}, {added_field: true});
const updated_record = await db_api.getRecord('test', {test_update: 'test'});
await db_api.removeRecord('test', {test_update: 'test'});
it('Remove record', async function() {
await db_api.insertRecordIntoTable('test', {test_remove: 'test'});
const delete_succeeded = await db_api.removeRecord('test', {test_remove: 'test'});
const deleted_record = await db_api.getRecord('test', {test_remove: 'test'});
it('Push to record array', async function() {
await db_api.insertRecordIntoTable('test', {test: 'test', test_array: []});
await db_api.pushToRecordsArray('test', {test: 'test'}, 'test_array', 'test_item');
const record = await db_api.getRecord('test', {test: 'test'});
assert(record['test_array'].length === 1);
it('Pull from record array', async function() {
await db_api.insertRecordIntoTable('test', {test: 'test', test_array: ['test_item']});
await db_api.pullFromRecordsArray('test', {test: 'test'}, 'test_array', 'test_item');
const record = await db_api.getRecord('test', {test: 'test'});
assert(record['test_array'].length === 0);
it('Bulk add', async function() {
const NUM_RECORDS_TO_ADD = 2002; // max batch ops is 1000
const test_records = [];
for (let i = 0; i < NUM_RECORDS_TO_ADD; i++) {
uid: uuid()
const succcess = await db_api.bulkInsertRecordsIntoTable('test', test_records);
const received_records = await db_api.getRecords('test');
assert(succcess && received_records && received_records.length === NUM_RECORDS_TO_ADD);
it('Bulk update', async function() {
// bulk add records
const NUM_RECORDS_TO_ADD = 100; // max batch ops is 1000
const test_records = [];
const update_obj = {};
for (let i = 0; i < NUM_RECORDS_TO_ADD; i++) {
const test_uid = uuid();
uid: test_uid
update_obj[test_uid] = {added_field: true};
let success = await db_api.bulkInsertRecordsIntoTable('test', test_records);
// makes sure they are added
const received_records = await db_api.getRecords('test');
assert(received_records && received_records.length === NUM_RECORDS_TO_ADD);
success = await db_api.bulkUpdateRecords('test', 'uid', update_obj);
const received_updated_records = await db_api.getRecords('test');
for (let i = 0; i < received_updated_records.length; i++) {
success &= received_updated_records[i]['added_field'];
it('Stats', async function() {
const stats = await db_api.getDBStats();
it('Query speed', async function() {
const NUM_RECORDS_TO_ADD = 300004; // max batch ops is 1000
const test_records = [];
let random_uid = '06241f83-d1b8-4465-812c-618dfa7f2943';
for (let i = 0; i < NUM_RECORDS_TO_ADD; i++) {
const uid = uuid();
if (i === NUM_RECORDS_TO_ADD/2) random_uid = uid;
test_records.push({"id":"RandomTextRandomText","title":"RandomTextRandomTextRandomTextRandomTextRandomTextRandomTextRandomTextRandomText","thumbnailURL":"","isAudio":true,"duration":312,"url":"","uploader":"randomUploader","size":5060157,"path":"audio\\RandomTextRandomText.mp3","upload_date":"2016-05-11","description":"RandomTextRandomTextRandomTextRandomTextRandomTextRandomTextRandomTextRandomTextRandomTextRandomTextRandomTextRandomText","view_count":118689353,"height":null,"abr":160,"uid": uid,"registered":1626672120632});
const insert_start =;
let success = await db_api.bulkInsertRecordsIntoTable('test', test_records);
const insert_end =;
console.log(`Insert time: ${(insert_end - insert_start)/1000}s`);
const query_start =;
const random_record = await db_api.getRecord('test', {uid: random_uid});
const query_end =;
console.log(`Query time: ${(query_end - query_start)/1000}s`);
success = !!random_record;
describe('Local DB Filters', async function() {
it('Basic', async function() {
const result = db_api.applyFilterLocalDB([{test: 'test'}, {test: 'test1'}], {test: 'test'}, 'find');
assert(result && result['test'] === 'test');
it('Regex', async function() {
const filter = {$regex: `\\w+\\d`, $options: 'i'};
const result = db_api.applyFilterLocalDB([{test: 'test'}, {test: 'test1'}], {test: filter}, 'find');
assert(result && result['test'] === 'test1');
it('Not equals', async function() {
const filter = {$ne: 'test'};
const result = db_api.applyFilterLocalDB([{test: 'test'}, {test: 'test1'}], {test: filter}, 'find');
assert(result && result['test'] === 'test1');
it('Nested', async function() {
const result = db_api.applyFilterLocalDB([{test1: {test2: 'test3'}}, {test4: 'test5'}], {'test1.test2': 'test3'}, 'find');
assert(result && result['test1']['test2'] === 'test3');
describe('Multi User', async function() {
let user = null;
const user_to_test = 'admin';
const sub_to_test = 'dc834388-3454-41bf-a618-e11cb8c7de1c';
const playlist_to_test = 'ysabVZz4x';
beforeEach(async function() {
await db_api.connectToDB();
auth_api.initialize(db_api, logger);
subscriptions_api.initialize(db_api, logger);
user = await auth_api.login('admin', 'pass');
describe('Authentication', function() {
it('login', async function() {
describe('Video player - normal', async function() {
await db_api.removeRecord('files', {uid: sample_video_json['uid']});
await db_api.insertRecordIntoTable('files', sample_video_json);
const video_to_test = sample_video_json['uid'];
it('Get video', async function() {
const video_obj = await db_api.getVideo(video_to_test);
it('Video access - disallowed', async function() {
await db_api.setVideoProperty(video_to_test, {sharingEnabled: false}, user_to_test);
const video_obj = auth_api.getUserVideo('admin', video_to_test, true);
it('Video access - allowed', async function() {
await db_api.setVideoProperty(video_to_test, {sharingEnabled: true}, user_to_test);
const video_obj = auth_api.getUserVideo('admin', video_to_test, true);
describe('Zip generators', function() {
it('Playlist zip generator', async function() {
const playlist = await db_api.getPlaylist(playlist_to_test, user_to_test);
const playlist_files_to_download = [];
for (let i = 0; i < playlist['uids'].length; i++) {
const uid = playlist['uids'][i];
const playlist_file = await db_api.getVideo(uid, user_to_test);
const zip_path = await utils.createContainerZipFile(playlist, playlist_files_to_download);
const zip_exists = fs.pathExistsSync(zip_path);
if (zip_exists) fs.unlinkSync(zip_path);
it('Subscription zip generator', async function() {
const sub = await subscriptions_api.getSubscription(sub_to_test, user_to_test);
const sub_videos = await db_api.getRecords('files', {sub_id:});
const sub_files_to_download = [];
for (let i = 0; i < sub_videos.length; i++) {
const sub_file = sub_videos[i];
const zip_path = await utils.createContainerZipFile(sub, sub_files_to_download);
const zip_exists = fs.pathExistsSync(zip_path);
if (zip_exists) fs.unlinkSync(zip_path);
// describe('Video player - subscription', function() {
// const sub_to_test = '';
// const video_to_test = 'ebbcfffb-d6f1-4510-ad25-d1ec82e0477e';
// it('Get video', async function() {
// const video_obj = db_api.getVideo(video_to_test, 'admin', );
// assert(video_obj);
// });
// it('Video access - disallowed', async function() {
// await db_api.setVideoProperty(video_to_test, {sharingEnabled: false}, user_to_test, sub_to_test);
// const video_obj = auth_api.getUserVideo('admin', video_to_test, true);
// assert(!video_obj);
// });
// it('Video access - allowed', async function() {
// await db_api.setVideoProperty(video_to_test, {sharingEnabled: true}, user_to_test, sub_to_test);
// const video_obj = auth_api.getUserVideo('admin', video_to_test, true);
// assert(video_obj);
// });
// });
describe('Downloader', function() {
const downloader_api = require('../downloader');
const url = '';
const sub_id = 'dc834388-3454-41bf-a618-e11cb8c7de1c';
const options = {
ui_uid: uuid(),
user: 'admin'
beforeEach(async function() {
await db_api.connectToDB();
await db_api.removeAllRecords('download_queue');
it('Get file info', async function() {
const info = await downloader_api.getVideoInfoByURL(url);
it('Download file', async function() {
const returned_download = await downloader_api.createDownload(url, 'video', options);
await utils.wait(20000);
it('Tag file', async function() {
const audio_path = './test/sample.mp3';
const sample_json = fs.readJSONSync('./test/');
const tags = {
title: sample_json['title'],
artist: sample_json['artist'] ? sample_json['artist'] : sample_json['uploader'],
TRCK: '27'
NodeID3.write(tags, audio_path);
const written_tags =;
assert(written_tags['raw']['TRCK'] === '27');
it('Queue file', async function() {
const returned_download = await downloader_api.createDownload(url, 'video', options);
await utils.wait(20000);
it('Pause file', async function() {
const returned_download = await downloader_api.createDownload(url, 'video', options);
await downloader_api.pauseDownload(returned_download['uid']);
const updated_download = await db_api.getRecord('download_queue', {uid: returned_download['uid']});
assert(updated_download['paused'] && !updated_download['running']);
it('Generate args', async function() {
const args = await downloader_api.generateArgs(url, 'video', options);
assert(args.length > 0);
it('Generate args - subscription', async function() {
const sub = await subscriptions_api.getSubscription(sub_id);
const sub_options = subscriptions_api.generateOptionsForSubscriptionDownload(sub, 'admin');
const args_normal = await downloader_api.generateArgs(url, 'video', options);
const args_sub = await downloader_api.generateArgs(url, 'video', sub_options, 'admin');
console.log(JSON.stringify(args_normal) !== JSON.stringify(args_sub));
it('Generate kodi NFO file', async function() {
const nfo_file_path = './test/sample.nfo';
if (fs.existsSync(nfo_file_path)) {
const sample_json = fs.readJSONSync('./test/');
downloader_api.generateNFOFile(sample_json, nfo_file_path);
assert(fs.existsSync(nfo_file_path), true);
it('Inject args', async function() {
const original_args1 = ['--no-resize-buffer', '-o', '%(title)s', '--no-mtime'];
const new_args1 = ['--age-limit', '25', '--yes-playlist', '--abort-on-error', '-o', '%(id)s'];
const updated_args1 = utils.injectArgs(original_args1, new_args1);
const expected_args1 = ['--no-resize-buffer', '--no-mtime', '--age-limit', '25', '--yes-playlist', '--abort-on-error', '-o', '%(id)s'];
assert(JSON.stringify(updated_args1), JSON.stringify(expected_args1));
const original_args2 = ['-o', '%(title)s.%(ext)s', '--write-info-json', '--print-json', '--audio-quality', '0', '-x', '--audio-format', 'mp3'];
const new_args2 = ['--add-metadata', '--embed-thumbnail', '--convert-thumbnails', 'jpg'];
const updated_args2 = utils.injectArgs(original_args2, new_args2);
const expected_args2 = ['-o', '%(title)s.%(ext)s', '--write-info-json', '--print-json', '--audio-quality', '0', '-x', '--audio-format', 'mp3', '--add-metadata', '--embed-thumbnail', '--convert_thumbnails', 'jpg'];
assert(JSON.stringify(updated_args2), JSON.stringify(expected_args2));
describe('Twitch', async function () {
const twitch_api = require('../twitch');
const example_vod = '1493770675';
it('Download VOD', async function() {
const sample_path = path.join('test', 'sample.twitch_chat.json');
if (fs.existsSync(sample_path)) fs.unlinkSync(sample_path);
await twitch_api.downloadTwitchChatByVODID(example_vod, 'sample', null, null, null, './test');
// cleanup
if (fs.existsSync(sample_path)) fs.unlinkSync(sample_path);
describe('Tasks', function() {
const tasks_api = require('../tasks');
beforeEach(async function() {
await db_api.connectToDB();
await db_api.removeAllRecords('tasks');
const dummy_task = {
run: async () => { await utils.wait(500); return true; },
confirm: async () => { await utils.wait(500); return true; },
title: 'Dummy task',
job: null
tasks_api.TASKS['dummy_task'] = dummy_task;
await tasks_api.setupTasks();
it('Backup db', async function() {
const backups_original = await utils.recFindByExt('appdata', 'bak');
const original_length = backups_original.length;
await tasks_api.executeTask('backup_local_db');
const backups_new = await utils.recFindByExt('appdata', 'bak');
const new_length = backups_new.length;
assert(original_length, new_length-1);
it('Check for missing files', async function() {
await db_api.removeAllRecords('files', {uid: 'test'});
const test_missing_file = {uid: 'test', path: 'test/missing_file.mp4'};
await db_api.insertRecordIntoTable('files', test_missing_file);
await tasks_api.executeTask('missing_files_check');
const missing_file_db_record = await db_api.getRecord('files', {uid: 'test'});
assert(!missing_file_db_record, true);
it('Check for duplicate files', async function() {
await db_api.removeAllRecords('files', {uid: 'test1'});
await db_api.removeAllRecords('files', {uid: 'test2'});
const test_duplicate_file1 = {uid: 'test1', path: 'test/missing_file.mp4'};
const test_duplicate_file2 = {uid: 'test2', path: 'test/missing_file.mp4'};
const test_duplicate_file3 = {uid: 'test3', path: 'test/missing_file.mp4'};
await db_api.insertRecordIntoTable('files', test_duplicate_file1);
await db_api.insertRecordIntoTable('files', test_duplicate_file2);
await db_api.insertRecordIntoTable('files', test_duplicate_file3);
await tasks_api.executeRun('duplicate_files_check');
const task_obj = await db_api.getRecord('tasks', {key: 'duplicate_files_check'});
assert(task_obj['data'] && task_obj['data']['uids'] && task_obj['data']['uids'].length >= 1, true);
await tasks_api.executeTask('duplicate_files_check');
const duplicated_record_count = await db_api.getRecords('files', {path: 'test/missing_file.mp4'}, true);
assert(duplicated_record_count == 1, true);
it('Import unregistered files', async function() {
// pre-test cleanup
await db_api.removeAllRecords('files', {title: 'Sample File'});
if (fs.existsSync('video/')) fs.unlinkSync('video/');
if (fs.existsSync('video/sample.mp4')) fs.unlinkSync('video/sample.mp4');
// copies in files
fs.copyFileSync('test/', 'video/');
fs.copyFileSync('test/sample.mp4', 'video/sample.mp4');
await tasks_api.executeTask('missing_db_records');
const imported_file = await db_api.getRecord('files', {title: 'Sample File'});
assert(!!imported_file, true);
// post-test cleanup
if (fs.existsSync('video/')) fs.unlinkSync('video/');
if (fs.existsSync('video/sample.mp4')) fs.unlinkSync('video/sample.mp4');
it('Schedule and cancel task', async function() {
const today_one_year = new Date();
today_one_year.setFullYear(today_one_year.getFullYear() + 1);
const schedule_obj = {
type: 'timestamp',
data: { timestamp: today_one_year.getTime() }
await tasks_api.updateTaskSchedule('dummy_task', schedule_obj);
const dummy_task = await db_api.getRecord('tasks', {key: 'dummy_task'});
await tasks_api.updateTaskSchedule('dummy_task', null);
const dummy_task_updated = await db_api.getRecord('tasks', {key: 'dummy_task'});
it('Schedule and run task', async function() {
const today_1_second = new Date();
today_1_second.setSeconds(today_1_second.getSeconds() + 1);
const schedule_obj = {
type: 'timestamp',
data: { timestamp: today_1_second.getTime() }
await tasks_api.updateTaskSchedule('dummy_task', schedule_obj);
await utils.wait(2000);
const dummy_task_obj = await db_api.getRecord('tasks', {key: 'dummy_task'});
describe('Archive', async function() {
const archive_path = path.join('test', 'archives');
const archive_file_path = path.join(archive_path, 'archive_video.txt');
const blacklist_file_path = path.join(archive_path, 'blacklist_video.txt');
beforeEach(async function() {
if (fs.existsSync(archive_file_path)) fs.unlinkSync(archive_file_path);
fs.writeFileSync(archive_file_path, 'youtube testing1\nyoutube testing2\nyoutube testing3\n');
if (fs.existsSync(blacklist_file_path)) fs.unlinkSync(blacklist_file_path);
fs.writeFileSync(blacklist_file_path, '');
it('Delete from archive', async function() {
await utils.deleteFileFromArchive('N/A', 'video', archive_path, 'testing2', false);
const new_archive = fs.readFileSync(archive_file_path);
it('Delete from archive - blacklist', async function() {
await utils.deleteFileFromArchive('N/A', 'video', archive_path, 'testing2', true);
const new_archive = fs.readFileSync(archive_file_path);
const new_blacklist = fs.readFileSync(blacklist_file_path);
describe('Utils', async function() {
it('Strip properties', async function() {
const test_obj = {test1: 'test1', test2: 'test2', test3: 'test3'};
const stripped_obj = utils.stripPropertiesFromObject(test_obj, ['test1', 'test3']);
assert(!stripped_obj['test1'] && stripped_obj['test2'] && !stripped_obj['test3'])
}); |