const logger = require('./logger'); const fs = require('fs'); const { BehaviorSubject } = require('rxjs'); exports.CONFIG_ITEMS = require('./consts.js')['CONFIG_ITEMS']; exports.descriptors = {}; // to get rid of file locks when needed, TODO: move to youtube-dl.js const debugMode = process.env.YTDL_MODE === 'debug'; let configPath = debugMode ? '../src/assets/default.json' : 'appdata/default.json'; exports.config_updated = new BehaviorSubject(); exports.initialize = () => { ensureConfigFileExists(); ensureConfigItemsExist(); } function ensureConfigItemsExist() { const config_keys = Object.keys(exports.CONFIG_ITEMS); for (let i = 0; i < config_keys.length; i++) { const config_key = config_keys[i]; exports.getConfigItem(config_key); } } function ensureConfigFileExists() { if (!fs.existsSync(configPath)) {'Cannot find config file. Creating one with default values...'); fs.writeFileSync(configPath, JSON.stringify(DEFAULT_CONFIG, null, 2)); } } // Object.byString = function(o, s) { s = s.replace(/\[(\w+)\]/g, '.$1'); // convert indexes to properties s = s.replace(/^\./, ''); // strip a leading dot var a = s.split('.'); for (var i = 0, n = a.length; i < n; ++i) { var k = a[i]; if (k in o) { o = o[k]; } else { return; } } return o; } function getParentPath(path) { let elements = path.split('.'); elements.splice(elements.length - 1, 1); return elements.join('.'); } function getElementNameInConfig(path) { let elements = path.split('.'); return elements[elements.length - 1]; } /** * Check if config exists. If not, write default config to config path */ exports.configExistsCheck = () => { let exists = fs.existsSync(configPath); if (!exists) { exports.setConfigFile(DEFAULT_CONFIG); } } /* * Gets config file and returns as a json */ exports.getConfigFile = () => { try { let raw_data = fs.readFileSync(configPath); let parsed_data = JSON.parse(raw_data); return parsed_data; } catch(e) { logger.error('Failed to get config file'); return null; } } exports.setConfigFile = (config) => { try { const old_config = exports.getConfigFile(); fs.writeFileSync(configPath, JSON.stringify(config, null, 2)); const changes = exports.findChangedConfigItems(old_config, config); if (changes.length > 0) { for (const change of changes); } return true; } catch(e) { return false; } } exports.getConfigItem = (key) => { let config_json = exports.getConfigFile(); if (!exports.CONFIG_ITEMS[key]) { logger.error(`Config item with key '${key}' is not recognized.`); return null; } let path = exports.CONFIG_ITEMS[key]['path']; const val = Object.byString(config_json, path); if (val === undefined && Object.byString(DEFAULT_CONFIG, path) !== undefined) { logger.warn(`Cannot find config with key '${key}'. Creating one with the default value...`); exports.setConfigItem(key, Object.byString(DEFAULT_CONFIG, path)); return Object.byString(DEFAULT_CONFIG, path); } return Object.byString(config_json, path); } exports.setConfigItem = (key, value) => { let success = false; let config_json = exports.getConfigFile(); let path = exports.CONFIG_ITEMS[key]['path']; let element_name = getElementNameInConfig(path); let parent_path = getParentPath(path); let parent_object = Object.byString(config_json, parent_path); if (!parent_object) { let parent_parent_path = getParentPath(parent_path); let parent_parent_object = Object.byString(config_json, parent_parent_path); let parent_path_arr = parent_path.split('.'); let parent_parent_single_key = parent_path_arr[parent_path_arr.length-1]; parent_parent_object[parent_parent_single_key] = {}; parent_object = Object.byString(config_json, parent_path); } if (value === 'false') value = false; if (value === 'true') value = true; parent_object[element_name] = value; success = exports.setConfigFile(config_json); return success; } exports.setConfigItems = (items) => { let success = false; let config_json = exports.getConfigFile(); for (let i = 0; i < items.length; i++) { let key = items[i].key; let value = items[i].value; // if boolean strings, set to booleans again if (value === 'false' || value === 'true') { value = (value === 'true'); } let item_path = exports.CONFIG_ITEMS[key]['path']; let item_parent_path = getParentPath(item_path); let item_element_name = getElementNameInConfig(item_path); let item_parent_object = Object.byString(config_json, item_parent_path); item_parent_object[item_element_name] = value; } success = exports.setConfigFile(config_json); return success; } exports.globalArgsRequiresSafeDownload = () => { const globalArgs = exports.getConfigItem('ytdl_custom_args').split(',,'); const argsThatRequireSafeDownload = ['--write-sub', '--write-srt', '--proxy']; const failedArgs = globalArgs.filter(arg => argsThatRequireSafeDownload.includes(arg)); return failedArgs && failedArgs.length > 0; } exports.findChangedConfigItems = (old_config, new_config, path = '', changedConfigItems = [], depth = 0) => { if (typeof old_config === 'object' && typeof new_config === 'object' && depth < 3) { for (const key in old_config) { if (, key)) { exports.findChangedConfigItems(old_config[key], new_config[key], `${path}${path ? '.' : ''}${key}`, changedConfigItems, depth + 1); } } } else { if (JSON.stringify(old_config) !== JSON.stringify(new_config)) { const key = getConfigItemKeyByPath(path); changedConfigItems.push({ key: key ? key : path.split('.')[path.split('.').length - 1], // return key in CONFIG_ITEMS or the object key old_value: JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(old_config)), new_value: JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(new_config)) }); } } return changedConfigItems; } function getConfigItemKeyByPath(path) { const found_item = Object.values(exports.CONFIG_ITEMS).find(item => item.path === path); if (found_item) return found_item['key']; else return null; } const DEFAULT_CONFIG = { "YoutubeDLMaterial": { "Host": { "url": "", "port": "17442" }, "Downloader": { "path-audio": "audio/", "path-video": "video/", "default_file_output": "", "use_youtubedl_archive": false, "custom_args": "", "include_thumbnail": true, "include_metadata": true, "max_concurrent_downloads": 5, "download_rate_limit": "" }, "Extra": { "title_top": "YoutubeDL-Material", "file_manager_enabled": true, "allow_quality_select": true, "download_only_mode": false, "force_autoplay": false, "enable_downloads_manager": true, "allow_playlist_categorization": true, "enable_notifications": true, "enable_all_notifications": true, "allowed_notification_types": [], "enable_rss_feed": false, }, "API": { "use_API_key": false, "API_key": "", "use_youtube_API": false, "youtube_API_key": "", "twitch_auto_download_chat": false, "use_sponsorblock_API": false, "generate_NFO_files": false, "use_ntfy_API": false, "ntfy_topic_URL": "", "use_gotify_API": false, "gotify_server_URL": "", "gotify_app_token": "", "use_telegram_API": false, "telegram_bot_token": "", "telegram_chat_id": "", "telegram_webhook_proxy": "", "webhook_URL": "", "discord_webhook_URL": "", "slack_webhook_URL": "", }, "Themes": { "default_theme": "default", "allow_theme_change": true }, "Subscriptions": { "allow_subscriptions": true, "subscriptions_base_path": "subscriptions/", "subscriptions_check_interval": "86400", "redownload_fresh_uploads": false }, "Users": { "base_path": "users/", "allow_registration": true, "auth_method": "internal", "ldap_config": { "url": "ldap://localhost:389", "bindDN": "cn=root", "bindCredentials": "secret", "searchBase": "ou=passport-ldapauth", "searchFilter": "(uid={{username}})" } }, "Database": { "use_local_db": true, "mongodb_connection_string": "mongodb://" }, "Advanced": { "default_downloader": "yt-dlp", "use_default_downloading_agent": true, "custom_downloading_agent": "", "multi_user_mode": false, "allow_advanced_download": false, "use_cookies": false, "jwt_expiration": 86400, "logger_level": "info" } } }