const fs = require('fs-extra'); const { uuid } = require('uuidv4'); const path = require('path'); const NodeID3 = require('node-id3') const Mutex = require('async-mutex').Mutex; const youtubedl = require('youtube-dl'); const logger = require('./logger'); const youtubedl_api = require('./youtube-dl'); const config_api = require('./config'); const twitch_api = require('./twitch'); const { create } = require('xmlbuilder2'); const categories_api = require('./categories'); const utils = require('./utils'); const db_api = require('./db'); const files_api = require('./files'); const notifications_api = require('./notifications'); const archive_api = require('./archive'); const mutex = new Mutex(); let should_check_downloads = true; if (db_api.database_initialized) { exports.setupDownloads(); } else { db_api.database_initialized_bs.subscribe(init => { if (init) exports.setupDownloads(); }); } /* This file handles all the downloading functionality. To download a file, we go through 4 steps. Here they are with their respective index & function: 0: Create the download - createDownload() 1: Get info for the download (we need this step for categories and archive functionality) - collectInfo() 2: Download the file - downloadQueuedFile() 3: Complete - N/A We use checkDownloads() to move downloads through the steps and call their respective functions. */ exports.createDownload = async (url, type, options, user_uid = null, sub_id = null, sub_name = null, prefetched_info = null, paused = false) => { return await mutex.runExclusive(async () => { const download = { url: url, type: type, title: '', user_uid: user_uid, sub_id: sub_id, sub_name: sub_name, prefetched_info: prefetched_info, options: options, uid: uuid(), step_index: 0, paused: paused, running: false, finished_step: true, error: null, percent_complete: null, finished: false, timestamp_start: }; await db_api.insertRecordIntoTable('download_queue', download); should_check_downloads = true; return download; }); } exports.pauseDownload = async (download_uid) => { const download = await db_api.getRecord('download_queue', {uid: download_uid}); if (download['paused']) { logger.warn(`Download ${download_uid} is already paused!`); return false; } else if (download['finished']) {`Download ${download_uid} could not be paused before completing.`); return false; } return await db_api.updateRecord('download_queue', {uid: download_uid}, {paused: true, running: false}); } exports.resumeDownload = async (download_uid) => { return await mutex.runExclusive(async () => { const download = await db_api.getRecord('download_queue', {uid: download_uid}); if (!download['paused']) { logger.warn(`Download ${download_uid} is not paused!`); return false; } const success = db_api.updateRecord('download_queue', {uid: download_uid}, {paused: false}); should_check_downloads = true; return success; }) } exports.restartDownload = async (download_uid) => { const download = await db_api.getRecord('download_queue', {uid: download_uid}); await exports.clearDownload(download_uid); const new_download = await exports.createDownload(download['url'], download['type'], download['options'], download['user_uid']); should_check_downloads = true; return new_download; } exports.cancelDownload = async (download_uid) => { const download = await db_api.getRecord('download_queue', {uid: download_uid}); if (download['cancelled']) { logger.warn(`Download ${download_uid} is already cancelled!`); return false; } else if (download['finished']) {`Download ${download_uid} could not be cancelled before completing.`); return false; } return await db_api.updateRecord('download_queue', {uid: download_uid}, {cancelled: true, running: false}); } exports.clearDownload = async (download_uid) => { return await db_api.removeRecord('download_queue', {uid: download_uid}); } async function handleDownloadError(download, error_message, error_type = null) { if (!download || !download['uid']) return; notifications_api.sendDownloadErrorNotification(download, download['user_uid'], error_message, error_type); await db_api.updateRecord('download_queue', {uid: download['uid']}, {error: error_message, finished: true, running: false, error_type: error_type}); } exports.setupDownloads = async () => { await fixDownloadState(); setInterval(checkDownloads, 1000); } async function fixDownloadState() { const downloads = await db_api.getRecords('download_queue'); downloads.sort((download1, download2) => download1.timestamp_start - download2.timestamp_start); const running_downloads = downloads.filter(download => !download['finished'] && !download['error']); for (let i = 0; i < running_downloads.length; i++) { const running_download = running_downloads[i]; const update_obj = {finished_step: true, paused: true, running: false}; if (running_download['step_index'] > 0) { update_obj['step_index'] = running_download['step_index'] - 1; } await db_api.updateRecord('download_queue', {uid: running_download['uid']}, update_obj); } } async function checkDownloads() { if (!should_check_downloads) return; const downloads = await db_api.getRecords('download_queue'); downloads.sort((download1, download2) => download1.timestamp_start - download2.timestamp_start); await mutex.runExclusive(async () => { // avoid checking downloads unnecessarily, but double check that should_check_downloads is still true const running_downloads = downloads.filter(download => !download['paused'] && !download['finished']); if (running_downloads.length === 0) { should_check_downloads = false; logger.verbose('Disabling checking downloads as none are available.'); } return; }); let running_downloads_count = downloads.filter(download => download['running']).length; const waiting_downloads = downloads.filter(download => !download['paused'] && download['finished_step'] && !download['finished']); for (let i = 0; i < waiting_downloads.length; i++) { const waiting_download = waiting_downloads[i]; const max_concurrent_downloads = config_api.getConfigItem('ytdl_max_concurrent_downloads'); if (max_concurrent_downloads < 0 || running_downloads_count >= max_concurrent_downloads) break; if (waiting_download['finished_step'] && !waiting_download['finished']) { if (waiting_download['sub_id']) { const sub_missing = !(await db_api.getRecord('subscriptions', {id: waiting_download['sub_id']})); if (sub_missing) { handleDownloadError(waiting_download, `Download failed as subscription with id '${waiting_download['sub_id']}' is missing!`, 'sub_id_missing'); continue; } } // move to next step running_downloads_count++; if (waiting_download['step_index'] === 0) { collectInfo(waiting_download['uid']); } else if (waiting_download['step_index'] === 1) { exports.downloadQueuedFile(waiting_download['uid']); } } } } async function collectInfo(download_uid) { const download = await db_api.getRecord('download_queue', {uid: download_uid}); if (download['paused']) { return; } logger.verbose(`Collecting info for download ${download_uid}`); await db_api.updateRecord('download_queue', {uid: download_uid}, {step_index: 1, finished_step: false, running: true}); const url = download['url']; const type = download['type']; const options = download['options']; if (download['user_uid'] && !options.customFileFolderPath) { let usersFileFolder = config_api.getConfigItem('ytdl_users_base_path'); const user_path = path.join(usersFileFolder, download['user_uid'], type); options.customFileFolderPath = user_path + path.sep; } let args = await exports.generateArgs(url, type, options, download['user_uid']); // get video info prior to download let info = download['prefetched_info'] ? download['prefetched_info'] : await exports.getVideoInfoByURL(url, args, download_uid); if (!info) { // info failed, error presumably already recorded return; } // in subscriptions we don't care if archive mode is enabled, but we already removed archived videos from subs by this point const useYoutubeDLArchive = config_api.getConfigItem('ytdl_use_youtubedl_archive'); if (useYoutubeDLArchive && !options.ignoreArchive) { const exists_in_archive = await archive_api.existsInArchive(info['extractor'], info['id'], type, download['user_uid'], download['sub_id']); if (exists_in_archive) { const error = `File '${info['title']}' already exists in archive! Disable the archive or override to continue downloading.`; logger.warn(error); if (download_uid) { const download = await db_api.getRecord('download_queue', {uid: download_uid}); await handleDownloadError(download, error, 'exists_in_archive'); return; } } } let category = null; // check if it fits into a category. If so, then get info again using new args if (info.length === 0 || config_api.getConfigItem('ytdl_allow_playlist_categorization')) category = await categories_api.categorize(info); // set custom output if the category has one and re-retrieve info so the download manager has the right file name if (category && category['custom_output']) { options.customOutput = category['custom_output']; options.noRelativePath = true; args = await exports.generateArgs(url, type, options, download['user_uid']); info = await exports.getVideoInfoByURL(url, args, download_uid); } const stripped_category = category ? {name: category['name'], uid: category['uid']} : null; // setup info required to calculate download progress const expected_file_size = utils.getExpectedFileSize(info); const files_to_check_for_progress = []; // store info in download for future use for (let info_obj of info) files_to_check_for_progress.push(utils.removeFileExtension(info_obj['_filename'])); const playlist_title = info.length > 0 ? info[0]['playlist_title'] || info[0]['playlist'] : null; await db_api.updateRecord('download_queue', {uid: download_uid}, {args: args, finished_step: true, running: false, options: options, files_to_check_for_progress: files_to_check_for_progress, expected_file_size: expected_file_size, title: playlist_title ? playlist_title : info['title'], category: stripped_category, prefetched_info: null }); } exports.downloadQueuedFile = async(download_uid, downloadMethod = youtubedl.exec) => { const download = await db_api.getRecord('download_queue', {uid: download_uid}); if (download['paused']) { return; } logger.verbose(`Downloading ${download_uid}`); return new Promise(async resolve => { const audioFolderPath = config_api.getConfigItem('ytdl_audio_folder_path'); const videoFolderPath = config_api.getConfigItem('ytdl_video_folder_path'); const usersFolderPath = config_api.getConfigItem('ytdl_users_base_path'); await db_api.updateRecord('download_queue', {uid: download_uid}, {step_index: 2, finished_step: false, running: true}); const url = download['url']; const type = download['type']; const options = download['options']; const args = download['args']; const category = download['category']; let fileFolderPath = type === 'audio' ? audioFolderPath : videoFolderPath; if (options.customFileFolderPath) { fileFolderPath = options.customFileFolderPath; } else if (download['user_uid']) { fileFolderPath = path.join(usersFolderPath, download['user_uid'], type); } fs.ensureDirSync(fileFolderPath); const start_time =; const download_checker = setInterval(() => checkDownloadPercent(download['uid']), 1000); const file_objs = []; // download file const {parsed_output, err} = await youtubedl_api.runYoutubeDL(url, args, downloadMethod); clearInterval(download_checker); let end_time =; let difference = (end_time - start_time)/1000; logger.debug(`${type === 'audio' ? 'Audio' : 'Video'} download delay: ${difference} seconds.`); if (!parsed_output) { logger.error(err.stderr); await handleDownloadError(download, err.stderr, 'unknown_error'); resolve(false); return; } else if (parsed_output) { if (parsed_output.length === 0 || parsed_output[0].length === 0) { // ERROR! const error_message = `No output received for video download, check if it exists in your archive.`; await handleDownloadError(download, error_message, 'no_output'); logger.warn(error_message); resolve(false); return; } for (const output_json of parsed_output) { if (!output_json) { continue; } // get filepath with no extension const filepath_no_extension = utils.removeFileExtension(output_json['_filename']); const ext = type === 'audio' ? '.mp3' : '.mp4'; var full_file_path = filepath_no_extension + ext; var file_name = filepath_no_extension.substring(fileFolderPath.length, filepath_no_extension.length); if (type === 'video' && url.includes('') && url.split('').length > 1 && config_api.getConfigItem('ytdl_twitch_auto_download_chat')) { let vodId = url.split('')[1]; vodId = vodId.split('?')[0]; twitch_api.downloadTwitchChatByVODID(vodId, file_name, type, download['user_uid']); } // renames file if necessary due to bug if (!fs.existsSync(output_json['_filename']) && fs.existsSync(output_json['_filename'] + '.webm')) { try { fs.renameSync(output_json['_filename'] + '.webm', output_json['_filename']);'Renamed ' + file_name + '.webm to ' + file_name); } catch(e) { logger.error(`Failed to rename file ${output_json['_filename']} to its appropriate extension.`); } } if (type === 'audio') { let tags = { title: output_json['title'], artist: output_json['artist'] ? output_json['artist'] : output_json['uploader'] } let success = NodeID3.write(tags, utils.removeFileExtension(output_json['_filename']) + '.mp3'); if (!success) logger.error('Failed to apply ID3 tag to audio file ' + output_json['_filename']); } if (config_api.getConfigItem('ytdl_generate_nfo_files')) { exports.generateNFOFile(output_json, `${filepath_no_extension}.nfo`); } if (options.cropFileSettings) { await utils.cropFile(full_file_path, options.cropFileSettings.cropFileStart, options.cropFileSettings.cropFileEnd, ext); } // registers file in DB const file_obj = await files_api.registerFileDB(full_file_path, type, download['user_uid'], category, download['sub_id'] ? download['sub_id'] : null, options.cropFileSettings); await archive_api.addToArchive(output_json['extractor'], output_json['id'], type, output_json['title'], download['user_uid'], download['sub_id']); notifications_api.sendDownloadNotification(file_obj, download['user_uid']); file_objs.push(file_obj); } let container = null; if (file_objs.length > 1) { // create playlist const playlist_name = => file_obj.title).join(', '); container = await files_api.createPlaylist(playlist_name, => file_obj.uid), download['user_uid']); } else if (file_objs.length === 1) { container = file_objs[0]; } else { const error_message = 'Downloaded file failed to result in metadata object.'; logger.error(error_message); await handleDownloadError(download, error_message, 'no_metadata'); } const file_uids = => file_obj.uid); await db_api.updateRecord('download_queue', {uid: download_uid}, {finished_step: true, finished: true, running: false, step_index: 3, percent_complete: 100, file_uids: file_uids, container: container}); resolve(file_uids); } }); } // helper functions exports.generateArgs = async (url, type, options, user_uid = null, simulated = false) => { const default_downloader = utils.getCurrentDownloader() || config_api.getConfigItem('ytdl_default_downloader'); if (!simulated && (default_downloader === 'youtube-dl' || default_downloader === 'youtube-dlc')) { logger.warn('It is recommended you use yt-dlp! To prevent failed downloads, change the downloader in your settings menu to yt-dlp and restart your instance.') } const audioFolderPath = config_api.getConfigItem('ytdl_audio_folder_path'); const videoFolderPath = config_api.getConfigItem('ytdl_video_folder_path'); const usersFolderPath = config_api.getConfigItem('ytdl_users_base_path'); const videopath = config_api.getConfigItem('ytdl_default_file_output') ? config_api.getConfigItem('ytdl_default_file_output') : '%(title)s'; const globalArgs = config_api.getConfigItem('ytdl_custom_args'); const useCookies = config_api.getConfigItem('ytdl_use_cookies'); const is_audio = type === 'audio'; let fileFolderPath = type === 'audio' ? audioFolderPath : videoFolderPath; // TODO: fix if (options.customFileFolderPath) { fileFolderPath = options.customFileFolderPath; } else if (user_uid) { fileFolderPath = path.join(usersFolderPath, user_uid, fileFolderPath); } if (options.customFileFolderPath) fileFolderPath = options.customFileFolderPath; const customArgs = options.customArgs; let customOutput = options.customOutput; const customQualityConfiguration = options.customQualityConfiguration; // video-specific args const selectedHeight = options.selectedHeight; const maxHeight = options.maxHeight; const heightParam = selectedHeight || maxHeight; // audio-specific args const maxBitrate = options.maxBitrate; const youtubeUsername = options.youtubeUsername; const youtubePassword = options.youtubePassword; let downloadConfig = null; let qualityPath = (is_audio && !options.skip_audio_args) ? ['-f', 'bestaudio'] : ['-f', 'bestvideo+bestaudio', '--merge-output-format', 'mp4']; const is_youtube = url.includes('youtu'); if (!is_audio && !is_youtube) { // tiktok videos fail when using the default format qualityPath = null; } if (customArgs) { downloadConfig = customArgs.split(',,'); } else { if (customQualityConfiguration) { qualityPath = ['-f', customQualityConfiguration, '--merge-output-format', 'mp4']; } else if (heightParam && heightParam !== '' && !is_audio) { const heightFilter = (maxHeight && default_downloader === 'yt-dlp') ? ['-S', `res:${heightParam}`] : ['-f', `best[height${maxHeight ? '<' : ''}=${heightParam}]+bestaudio`] qualityPath = [...heightFilter, '--merge-output-format', 'mp4']; } else if (is_audio) { qualityPath = ['--audio-quality', maxBitrate ? maxBitrate : '0'] } if (customOutput) { customOutput = options.noRelativePath ? customOutput : path.join(fileFolderPath, customOutput); downloadConfig = ['-o', `${customOutput}.%(ext)s`, '--write-info-json', '--print-json']; } else { downloadConfig = ['-o', path.join(fileFolderPath, videopath + (is_audio ? '.%(ext)s' : '.mp4')), '--write-info-json', '--print-json']; } if (qualityPath) downloadConfig.push(...qualityPath); if (is_audio && !options.skip_audio_args) { downloadConfig.push('-x'); downloadConfig.push('--audio-format', 'mp3'); } if (youtubeUsername && youtubePassword) { downloadConfig.push('--username', youtubeUsername, '--password', youtubePassword); } if (useCookies) { if (await fs.pathExists(path.join(__dirname, 'appdata', 'cookies.txt'))) { downloadConfig.push('--cookies', path.join('appdata', 'cookies.txt')); } else { logger.warn('Cookies file could not be found. You can either upload one, or disable \'use cookies\' in the Advanced tab in the settings.'); } } const useDefaultDownloadingAgent = config_api.getConfigItem('ytdl_use_default_downloading_agent'); const customDownloadingAgent = config_api.getConfigItem('ytdl_custom_downloading_agent'); if (!useDefaultDownloadingAgent && customDownloadingAgent) { downloadConfig.splice(0, 0, '--external-downloader', customDownloadingAgent); } if (config_api.getConfigItem('ytdl_include_thumbnail')) { downloadConfig.push('--write-thumbnail'); } if (globalArgs && globalArgs !== '') { // adds global args if (downloadConfig.indexOf('-o') !== -1 && globalArgs.split(',,').indexOf('-o') !== -1) { // if global args has an output, replce the original output with that of global args const original_output_index = downloadConfig.indexOf('-o'); downloadConfig.splice(original_output_index, 2); } downloadConfig = downloadConfig.concat(globalArgs.split(',,')); } if (options.additionalArgs && options.additionalArgs !== '') { downloadConfig = utils.injectArgs(downloadConfig, options.additionalArgs.split(',,')); } const rate_limit = config_api.getConfigItem('ytdl_download_rate_limit'); if (rate_limit && downloadConfig.indexOf('-r') === -1 && downloadConfig.indexOf('--limit-rate') === -1) { downloadConfig.push('-r', rate_limit); } if (default_downloader === 'yt-dlp') { downloadConfig = utils.filterArgs(downloadConfig, ['--print-json']); // in yt-dlp -j --no-simulate is preferable downloadConfig.push('--no-clean-info-json', '-j', '--no-simulate'); } } // filter out incompatible args downloadConfig = filterArgs(downloadConfig, is_audio); if (!simulated) logger.verbose(`${default_downloader} args being used: ${downloadConfig.join(',')}`); return downloadConfig; } exports.getVideoInfoByURL = async (url, args = [], download_uid = null) => { return new Promise(resolve => { // remove bad args const temp_args = utils.filterArgs(args, ['--no-simulate']); const new_args = [...temp_args]; const archiveArgIndex = new_args.indexOf('--download-archive'); if (archiveArgIndex !== -1) { new_args.splice(archiveArgIndex, 2); } new_args.push('--dump-json'); youtubedl.exec(url, new_args, {maxBuffer: Infinity}, async (err, output) => { const parsed_output = utils.parseOutputJSON(output, err); if (parsed_output) { resolve(parsed_output); } else { let error_message = `Error while retrieving info on video with URL ${url} with the following message: ${err}`; if (err.stderr) error_message += `\n\n${err.stderr}`; logger.error(error_message); if (download_uid) { const download = await db_api.getRecord('download_queue', {uid: download_uid}); await handleDownloadError(download, error_message, 'info_retrieve_failed'); } resolve(null); } }); }); } function filterArgs(args, isAudio) { const video_only_args = ['--add-metadata', '--embed-subs', '--xattrs']; const audio_only_args = ['-x', '--extract-audio', '--embed-thumbnail']; return utils.filterArgs(args, isAudio ? video_only_args : audio_only_args); } async function checkDownloadPercent(download_uid) { /* This is more of an art than a science, we're just selecting files that start with the file name, thus capturing the parts being downloaded in files named like so: '