#!/bin/sh # THANK YOU TALULAH (https://github.com/nottalulah) for your help in figuring this out # and also optimizing some code with this commit. # xoxo :D case $(uname -m) in x86_64) ARCH=Linux-x64;; aarch64) ARCH=LinuxArm64;; armhf) ARCH=LinuxArm;; armv7) ARCH=LinuxArm;; armv7l) ARCH=LinuxArm;; *) echo "Unsupported architecture: $(uname -m)" exit 1 esac echo "(INFO) Architecture detected: $ARCH" echo "(1/5) READY - Install unzip" apt-get update && apt-get -y install unzip curl jq libicu70 VERSION=$(curl --silent "https://api.github.com/repos/lay295/TwitchDownloader/releases" | jq -r --arg arch "$ARCH" '[.[] | select(.assets | length > 0) | select(.assets[].name | contains("CLI") and contains($arch))] | max_by(.published_at) | .tag_name') echo "(2/5) DOWNLOAD - Acquire twitchdownloader" curl -o twitchdownloader.zip \ --connect-timeout 5 \ --max-time 120 \ --retry 5 \ --retry-delay 0 \ --retry-max-time 40 \ -L "https://github.com/lay295/TwitchDownloader/releases/download/$VERSION/TwitchDownloaderCLI-$VERSION-$ARCH.zip" unzip twitchdownloader.zip chmod +x TwitchDownloaderCLI echo "(3/5) Smoke test" ./TwitchDownloaderCLI --help cp ./TwitchDownloaderCLI /usr/local/bin/TwitchDownloaderCLI