@ -1,12 +1,5 @@
< h4 class = "settings-title" i18n = "Settings title" > Settings< / h4 >
<!-- <ng - container i18n="Allow subscriptions setting"></ng - container> -->
<!-- Language
< div style = "margin-bottom: 10px;" >
< / div > -->
< mat-tab-group style = "height: 76vh" mat-align-tabs = "center" >
< mat-tab-group style = "height: 76vh" mat-align-tabs = "center" [ selectedIndex ] = " tabIndex " ( selectedTabChange ) = " tabChanged ( $ event ) " >
<!-- Server -->
< mat-tab label = "Main" i18n-label = "Main settings label" >
< ng-template matTabContent style = "padding: 15px;" >
@ -272,9 +265,12 @@
< mat-hint > < ng-container i18n = "Twitch API Key setting hint AKA preamble" > Also known as a Client ID.< / ng-container > < a target = "_blank" href = "https://dev.twitch.tv/docs/api/" > < ng-container i18n = "Twitch API Key setting hint" > Generating a key is easy!< / ng-container > < / a > < / mat-hint >
< / mat-form-field >
< / div >
< div class = "col-12 mt-4 mb-3 ">
< div class = "col-12 mt-4 ">
< mat-checkbox color = "accent" [ ( ngModel ) ] = " new_config [ ' API ' ] [ ' use_sponsorblock_API ' ] " matTooltip = "Enables a button to skip ads when viewing supported videos." i18n-matTooltip = "SponsorBlock API tooltip" > < ng-container i18n = "Use SponsorBlock API setting" > Use SponsorBlock API< / ng-container > < / mat-checkbox >
< / div >
< div class = "col-12 mt-2 mb-3" >
< mat-checkbox color = "accent" [ ( ngModel ) ] = " new_config [ ' API ' ] [ ' generate_NFO_files ' ] " matTooltip = "Generates NFO files with every download, primarily used by Kodi." i18n-matTooltip = "Generate NFO files tooltip" > < ng-container i18n = "Generate NFO files setting" > Generate NFO files< / ng-container > < / mat-checkbox >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< mat-divider > < / mat-divider >
@ -423,52 +419,59 @@
< / div >
< / ng-template >
< / mat-tab >
< mat-tab *ngIf = "postsService.config && postsService.config.Advanced.multi_user_mode" label = "Users" i18n-label = "Users settings label ">
< div * ngIf = "new_config" style = "margin-top: 24px; margin-bottom: -25px;" >
< div >
< mat-checkbox color = "accent" [ ( ngModel ) ] = " new_config [ ' Users ' ] [ ' allow_registration ' ] " > < ng-container i18n = "Allow registration setting" > Allow user registration < / ng-container > < / mat-checkbox >
< mat-tab [disabled ] = " ! postsService . config ? . Advanced . multi_user_mode ">
< ng-template mat-tab-label >
< div [ matTooltip ] = " ! postsService . config ? . Advanced . multi_user_mode ? usersTabDisabledTooltip : null " >
< ng-container i18n = "Users settings label" > Users < / ng-container >
< / div >
< mat-divider > < / mat-divider >
< mat-form-field style = "margin-top: 15px;" >
< mat-select [ ( ngModel ) ] = " new_config [ ' Users ' ] [ ' auth_method ' ] " placeholder = "Auth method" i18n-placeholder = "Auth method select" >
< mat-option value = "internal" >
< ng-container i18n = "Internal auth method" > Internal< / ng-container >
< / mat-option >
< mat-option value = "ldap" >
< ng-container i18n = "LDAP auth method" > LDAP< / ng-container >
< / mat-option >
< / mat-select >
< / mat-form-field >
< div * ngIf = "new_config['Users']['auth_method'] === 'ldap'" >
< div >
< mat-form-field >
< input matInput i18n-placeholder = "LDAP URL" placeholder = "LDAP URL" [ ( ngModel ) ] = " new_config [ ' Users ' ] [ ' ldap_config ' ] [ ' url ' ] " >
< / mat-form-field >
< / div >
< div >
< mat-form-field >
< input matInput i18n-placeholder = "Bind DN" placeholder = "Bind DN" [ ( ngModel ) ] = " new_config [ ' Users ' ] [ ' ldap_config ' ] [ ' bindDN ' ] " >
< / mat-form-field >
< / div >
< div >
< mat-form-field >
< input matInput i18n-placeholder = "Bind Credentials" placeholder = "Bind Credentials" [ ( ngModel ) ] = " new_config [ ' Users ' ] [ ' ldap_config ' ] [ ' bindCredentials ' ] " >
< / mat-form-field >
< / div >
< / ng-template >
< ng-container * ngIf = "postsService.config?.Advanced.multi_user_mode" >
< div * ngIf = "new_config" style = "margin-top: 24px; margin-bottom: -25px;" >
< div >
< mat-form-field >
< input matInput i18n-placeholder = "Search Base" placeholder = "Search Base" [ ( ngModel ) ] = " new_config [ ' Users ' ] [ ' ldap_config ' ] [ ' searchBase ' ] " >
< / mat-form-field >
< mat-checkbox color = "accent" [ ( ngModel ) ] = " new_config [ ' Users ' ] [ ' allow_registration ' ] " > < ng-container i18n = "Allow registration setting" > Allow user registration< / ng-container > < / mat-checkbox >
< / div >
< div >
< mat-form-field >
< input matInput i18n-placeholder = "Search Filter" placeholder = "Search Filter" [ ( ngModel ) ] = " new_config [ ' Users ' ] [ ' ldap_config ' ] [ ' searchFilter ' ] " >
< / mat-form-field >
< mat-divider > < / mat-divider >
< mat-form-field style = "margin-top: 15px;" >
< mat-select [ ( ngModel ) ] = " new_config [ ' Users ' ] [ ' auth_method ' ] " placeholder = "Auth method" i18n-placeholder = "Auth method select" >
< mat-option value = "internal" >
< ng-container i18n = "Internal auth method" > Internal< / ng-container >
< / mat-option >
< mat-option value = "ldap" >
< ng-container i18n = "LDAP auth method" > LDAP< / ng-container >
< / mat-option >
< / mat-select >
< / mat-form-field >
< div * ngIf = "new_config['Users']['auth_method'] === 'ldap'" >
< div >
< mat-form-field >
< input matInput i18n-placeholder = "LDAP URL" placeholder = "LDAP URL" [ ( ngModel ) ] = " new_config [ ' Users ' ] [ ' ldap_config ' ] [ ' url ' ] " >
< / mat-form-field >
< / div >
< div >
< mat-form-field >
< input matInput i18n-placeholder = "Bind DN" placeholder = "Bind DN" [ ( ngModel ) ] = " new_config [ ' Users ' ] [ ' ldap_config ' ] [ ' bindDN ' ] " >
< / mat-form-field >
< / div >
< div >
< mat-form-field >
< input matInput i18n-placeholder = "Bind Credentials" placeholder = "Bind Credentials" [ ( ngModel ) ] = " new_config [ ' Users ' ] [ ' ldap_config ' ] [ ' bindCredentials ' ] " >
< / mat-form-field >
< / div >
< div >
< mat-form-field >
< input matInput i18n-placeholder = "Search Base" placeholder = "Search Base" [ ( ngModel ) ] = " new_config [ ' Users ' ] [ ' ldap_config ' ] [ ' searchBase ' ] " >
< / mat-form-field >
< / div >
< div >
< mat-form-field >
< input matInput i18n-placeholder = "Search Filter" placeholder = "Search Filter" [ ( ngModel ) ] = " new_config [ ' Users ' ] [ ' ldap_config ' ] [ ' searchFilter ' ] " >
< / mat-form-field >
< / div >
< / div >
< mat-divider > < / mat-divider >
< / div >
< mat-divider > < / mat-divider >
< / div >
< app-modify-users * ngIf = "new_config" > < / app-modify-users >
< app-modify-users * ngIf = "new_config" > < / app-modify-users >
< / ng-container >
< / mat-tab >
< mat-tab * ngIf = "postsService.config" label = "Logs" i18n-label = "Logs settings label" >
< ng-template matTabContent >