mirror of https://github.com/MaxLeiter/Drift
You cannot select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
118 lines
4.2 KiB
118 lines
4.2 KiB
{exec, spawn} = require 'child_process'
fs = require 'fs'
path = require 'path'
esc = (arg) -> (''+arg).replace(/(?=[^a-zA-Z0-9_.\/\-\x7F-\xFF\n])/gm, '\\').replace(/\n/g, "'\n'").replace(/^$/, "''")
srcDir = path.normalize __dirname+'/src'
libDir = path.normalize __dirname+'/lib'
libDebugDir = path.normalize __dirname+'/lib/debug'
distDir = path.normalize __dirname+'/dist'
cliDir = path.normalize __dirname+'/cli'
binDir = path.normalize __dirname+'/bin'
specDir = path.normalize __dirname+'/test/spec'
modulesDir = path.normalize __dirname+'/node_modules'
task 'build', 'build project', ->
# Compile
do compile = ->
unless fs.existsSync libDir
fs.mkdirSync libDir
unless fs.existsSync libDir+'/Exception'
fs.mkdirSync libDir+'/Exception'
toCompile = 'Yaml Utils Unescaper Pattern Parser Inline Escaper Dumper Exception/ParseException Exception/ParseMore Exception/DumpException'.split ' '
do compileOne = ->
name = toCompile.shift()
outputDir = (if '/' in name then libDir+'/Exception' else libDir)
exec 'coffee -b -o '+esc(outputDir)+' -c '+esc(srcDir+'/'+name+'.coffee'), (err, res) ->
if err then throw err
console.log "Compiled #{name}.js"
if toCompile.length
# Debug compile
debugCompile = ->
unless fs.existsSync libDebugDir
fs.mkdirSync libDebugDir
unless fs.existsSync libDebugDir+'/Exception'
fs.mkdirSync libDebugDir+'/Exception'
toCompile = 'Yaml Utils Unescaper Pattern Parser Inline Escaper Dumper Exception/ParseException Exception/ParseMore Exception/DumpException'.split ' '
do compileOne = ->
name = toCompile.shift()
outputDir = (if '/' in name then libDebugDir+'/Exception' else libDebugDir)
exec 'coffee -m -b -o '+esc(outputDir)+' -c '+esc(srcDir+'/'+name+'.coffee'), (err, res) ->
if err then throw err
console.log "Compiled #{name}.js (debug)"
if toCompile.length
# Browserify
unless fs.existsSync distDir
fs.mkdirSync distDir
browserify = ->
exec 'browserify -t coffeeify --extension=".coffee" '+esc(srcDir+'/Yaml.coffee')+' > '+esc(distDir+'/yaml.js'), (err, res) ->
if err then throw err
console.log "Browserified yaml.js"
exec 'browserify --debug -t coffeeify --extension=".coffee" '+esc(srcDir+'/Yaml.coffee')+' > '+esc(distDir+'/yaml.debug.js'), (err, res) ->
if err then throw err
console.log "Browserified yaml.js (debug)"
# Minify
minify = ->
exec 'uglifyjs --mangle sort '+esc(distDir+'/yaml.js')+' > '+esc(distDir+'/yaml.min.js'), (err, res) ->
if err then throw err
console.log "Minified yaml.min.js"
# Compile spec
compileSpec = ->
exec 'coffee -b -c '+esc(specDir+'/YamlSpec.coffee'), (err, res) ->
if err then throw err
console.log "Compiled YamlSpec.js"
# Compile CLI
compileCLI = ->
unless fs.existsSync binDir
fs.mkdirSync binDir
# yaml2json
str = fs.readFileSync cliDir+'/yaml2json.js'
str = "#!/usr/bin/env node\n" + str
fs.writeFileSync binDir+'/yaml2json', str
fs.chmodSync binDir+'/yaml2json', '755'
console.log "Bundled yaml2json"
# json2yaml
str = fs.readFileSync cliDir+'/json2yaml.js'
str = "#!/usr/bin/env node\n" + str
fs.writeFileSync binDir+'/json2yaml', str
fs.chmodSync binDir+'/json2yaml', '755'
console.log "Bundled json2yaml"
task 'test', 'test project', ->
# Test
spawn 'node', [modulesDir+'/jasmine-node/lib/jasmine-node/cli.js', '--verbose', '--coffee', specDir+'/YamlSpec.coffee'], stdio: "inherit"
task 'doc', 'generate documentation', ->
# Generate
spawn 'codo', [srcDir], stdio: "inherit"