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EJS Embedded JavaScript templates
{Usage}: ejs [options ...] template-file [data variables ...]
-o, --output-file FILE Write the rendered output to FILE rather than stdout.
-f, --data-file FILE Must be JSON-formatted. Use parsed input from FILE as data for rendering.
-i, --data-input STRING Must be JSON-formatted and URI-encoded. Use parsed input from STRING as data for rendering.
-m, --delimiter CHARACTER Use CHARACTER with angle brackets for open/close (defaults to %).
-p, --open-delimiter CHARACTER Use CHARACTER instead of left angle bracket to open.
-c, --close-delimiter CHARACTER Use CHARACTER instead of right angle bracket to close.
-s, --strict When set to `true`, generated function is in strict mode
-n --no-with Use 'locals' object for vars rather than using `with` (implies --strict).
-l --locals-name Name to use for the object storing local variables when not using `with`.
-w --rm-whitespace Remove all safe-to-remove whitespace, including leading and trailing whitespace.
-d --debug Outputs generated function body
-h, --help Display this help message.
-V/v, --version Display the EJS version.
ejs -m $ ./test/fixtures/user.ejs -f ./user_data.json
ejs -m $ ./test/fixtures/user.ejs name=Lerxst
ejs -p [ -c ] ./template_file.ejs -o ./output.html
ejs -n -l _ ./some_template.ejs -f ./data_file.json
ejs -w ./template_with_whitspace.ejs -o ./output_file.html