declare namespace camelcase {
interface Options {
Uppercase the first character: `foo-bar` → `FooBar`.
@default false
readonly pascalCase?: boolean;
Preserve the consecutive uppercase characters: `foo-BAR` → `FooBAR`.
@default false
readonly preserveConsecutiveUppercase?: boolean;
The locale parameter indicates the locale to be used to convert to upper/lower case according to any locale-specific case mappings. If multiple locales are given in an array, the best available locale is used.
Setting `locale: false` ignores the platform locale and uses the [Unicode Default Case Conversion](https://unicode-org.github.io/icu/userguide/transforms/casemappings.html#simple-single-character-case-mapping) algorithm.
Default: The host environment’s current locale.
import camelCase = require('camelcase');
camelCase('lorem-ipsum', {locale: 'en-US'});
//=> 'loremIpsum'
camelCase('lorem-ipsum', {locale: 'tr-TR'});
//=> 'loremİpsum'
camelCase('lorem-ipsum', {locale: ['en-US', 'en-GB']});
//=> 'loremIpsum'
camelCase('lorem-ipsum', {locale: ['tr', 'TR', 'tr-TR']});
//=> 'loremİpsum'
readonly locale?: false | string | readonly string[];
Convert a dash/dot/underscore/space separated string to camelCase or PascalCase: `foo-bar` → `fooBar`.
Correctly handles Unicode strings.
@param input - String to convert to camel case.
import camelCase = require('camelcase');
//=> 'fooBar'
//=> 'fooBar'
//=> 'fooBar'
//=> 'розовыйПушистыйЕдинорог'
camelCase('Foo-Bar', {pascalCase: true});
//=> 'FooBar'
camelCase('--foo.bar', {pascalCase: false});
//=> 'fooBar'
camelCase('Foo-BAR', {preserveConsecutiveUppercase: true});
//=> 'fooBAR'
camelCase('fooBAR', {pascalCase: true, preserveConsecutiveUppercase: true}));
//=> 'FooBAR'
camelCase('foo bar');
//=> 'fooBar'
//=> '--foo-bar'
//=> 'fooBar'
camelCase(['foo', 'bar']);
//=> 'fooBar'
camelCase(['__foo__', '--bar'], {pascalCase: true});
//=> 'FooBar'
camelCase(['foo', 'BAR'], {pascalCase: true, preserveConsecutiveUppercase: true})
//=> 'FooBAR'
camelCase('lorem-ipsum', {locale: 'en-US'});
//=> 'loremIpsum'
declare function camelcase(
input: string | readonly string[],
options?: camelcase.Options
): string;
export = camelcase;