"use strict"; var __defProp = Object.defineProperty; var __defProps = Object.defineProperties; var __getOwnPropDescs = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors; var __getOwnPropSymbols = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols; var __hasOwnProp = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; var __propIsEnum = Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable; var __defNormalProp = (obj, key, value) => key in obj ? __defProp(obj, key, { enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true, value }) : obj[key] = value; var __spreadValues = (a, b) => { for (var prop in b || (b = {})) if (__hasOwnProp.call(b, prop)) __defNormalProp(a, prop, b[prop]); if (__getOwnPropSymbols) for (var prop of __getOwnPropSymbols(b)) { if (__propIsEnum.call(b, prop)) __defNormalProp(a, prop, b[prop]); } return a; }; var __spreadProps = (a, b) => __defProps(a, __getOwnPropDescs(b)); const url = require("url"); const path = require("path"); const pgConnectionString = require("pg-connection-string"); const retry = require("retry-as-promised"); const _ = require("lodash"); const Utils = require("./utils"); const Model = require("./model"); const DataTypes = require("./data-types"); const Deferrable = require("./deferrable"); const ModelManager = require("./model-manager"); const Transaction = require("./transaction"); const QueryTypes = require("./query-types"); const TableHints = require("./table-hints"); const IndexHints = require("./index-hints"); const sequelizeErrors = require("./errors"); const Hooks = require("./hooks"); const Association = require("./associations/index"); const Validator = require("./utils/validator-extras").validator; const Op = require("./operators"); const deprecations = require("./utils/deprecations"); const { QueryInterface } = require("./dialects/abstract/query-interface"); const { BelongsTo } = require("./associations/belongs-to"); const HasOne = require("./associations/has-one"); const { BelongsToMany } = require("./associations/belongs-to-many"); const { HasMany } = require("./associations/has-many"); class Sequelize { constructor(database, username, password, options) { let config; if (arguments.length === 1 && typeof database === "object") { options = database; config = _.pick(options, "host", "port", "database", "username", "password"); } else if (arguments.length === 1 && typeof database === "string" || arguments.length === 2 && typeof username === "object") { config = {}; options = username || {}; const urlParts = url.parse(arguments[0], true); options.dialect = urlParts.protocol.replace(/:$/, ""); options.host = urlParts.hostname; if (options.dialect === "sqlite" && urlParts.pathname && !urlParts.pathname.startsWith("/:memory")) { const storagePath = path.join(options.host, urlParts.pathname); options.storage = path.resolve(options.storage || storagePath); } if (urlParts.pathname) { config.database = urlParts.pathname.replace(/^\//, ""); } if (urlParts.port) { options.port = urlParts.port; } if (urlParts.auth) { const authParts = urlParts.auth.split(":"); config.username = authParts[0]; if (authParts.length > 1) config.password = authParts.slice(1).join(":"); } if (urlParts.query) { if (urlParts.query.host) { options.host = urlParts.query.host; } if (options.dialectOptions) { Object.assign(options.dialectOptions, urlParts.query); } else { options.dialectOptions = urlParts.query; if (urlParts.query.options) { try { const o = JSON.parse(urlParts.query.options); options.dialectOptions.options = o; } catch (e) { } } } } if (["postgres", "postgresql"].includes(options.dialect)) { Object.assign(options.dialectOptions, pgConnectionString.parse(arguments[0])); } } else { options = options || {}; config = { database, username, password }; } Sequelize.runHooks("beforeInit", config, options); this.options = __spreadValues({ dialect: null, dialectModule: null, dialectModulePath: null, host: "localhost", protocol: "tcp", define: {}, query: {}, sync: {}, timezone: "+00:00", standardConformingStrings: true, logging: console.log, omitNull: false, native: false, replication: false, ssl: void 0, pool: {}, quoteIdentifiers: true, hooks: {}, retry: { max: 5, match: [ "SQLITE_BUSY: database is locked" ] }, transactionType: Transaction.TYPES.DEFERRED, isolationLevel: null, databaseVersion: 0, typeValidation: false, benchmark: false, minifyAliases: false, logQueryParameters: false }, options); if (!this.options.dialect) { throw new Error("Dialect needs to be explicitly supplied as of v4.0.0"); } if (this.options.dialect === "postgresql") { this.options.dialect = "postgres"; } if (this.options.dialect === "sqlite" && this.options.timezone !== "+00:00") { throw new Error("Setting a custom timezone is not supported by SQLite, dates are always returned as UTC. Please remove the custom timezone parameter."); } if (this.options.logging === true) { deprecations.noTrueLogging(); this.options.logging = console.log; } this._setupHooks(options.hooks); this.config = { database: config.database || this.options.database, username: config.username || this.options.username, password: config.password || this.options.password || null, host: config.host || this.options.host, port: config.port || this.options.port, pool: this.options.pool, protocol: this.options.protocol, native: this.options.native, ssl: this.options.ssl, replication: this.options.replication, dialectModule: this.options.dialectModule, dialectModulePath: this.options.dialectModulePath, keepDefaultTimezone: this.options.keepDefaultTimezone, dialectOptions: this.options.dialectOptions }; let Dialect; switch (this.getDialect()) { case "mariadb": Dialect = require("./dialects/mariadb"); break; case "mssql": Dialect = require("./dialects/mssql"); break; case "mysql": Dialect = require("./dialects/mysql"); break; case "postgres": Dialect = require("./dialects/postgres"); break; case "sqlite": Dialect = require("./dialects/sqlite"); break; case "db2": Dialect = require("./dialects/db2"); break; case "snowflake": Dialect = require("./dialects/snowflake"); break; default: throw new Error(`The dialect ${this.getDialect()} is not supported. Supported dialects: mssql, mariadb, mysql, postgres, db2 and sqlite.`); } this.dialect = new Dialect(this); this.dialect.queryGenerator.typeValidation = options.typeValidation; if (_.isPlainObject(this.options.operatorsAliases)) { deprecations.noStringOperators(); this.dialect.queryGenerator.setOperatorsAliases(this.options.operatorsAliases); } else if (typeof this.options.operatorsAliases === "boolean") { deprecations.noBoolOperatorAliases(); } this.queryInterface = this.dialect.queryInterface; this.models = {}; this.modelManager = new ModelManager(this); this.connectionManager = this.dialect.connectionManager; Sequelize.runHooks("afterInit", this); } refreshTypes() { this.connectionManager.refreshTypeParser(DataTypes); } getDialect() { return this.options.dialect; } getDatabaseName() { return this.config.database; } getQueryInterface() { return this.queryInterface; } define(modelName, attributes, options = {}) { options.modelName = modelName; options.sequelize = this; const model = class extends Model { }; model.init(attributes, options); return model; } model(modelName) { if (!this.isDefined(modelName)) { throw new Error(`${modelName} has not been defined`); } return this.modelManager.getModel(modelName); } isDefined(modelName) { return !!this.modelManager.models.find((model) => model.name === modelName); } async query(sql, options) { options = __spreadValues(__spreadValues({}, this.options.query), options); if (options.instance && !options.model) { options.model = options.instance.constructor; } if (!options.instance && !options.model) { options.raw = true; } if (options.mapToModel) { options.fieldMap = _.get(options, "model.fieldAttributeMap", {}); } options = _.defaults(options, { logging: Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(this.options, "logging") ? this.options.logging : console.log, searchPath: Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(this.options, "searchPath") ? this.options.searchPath : "DEFAULT" }); if (!options.type) { if (options.model || options.nest || options.plain) { options.type = QueryTypes.SELECT; } else { options.type = QueryTypes.RAW; } } if (!this.dialect.supports.searchPath || !this.options.dialectOptions || !this.options.dialectOptions.prependSearchPath || options.supportsSearchPath === false) { delete options.searchPath; } else if (!options.searchPath) { options.searchPath = "DEFAULT"; } if (typeof sql === "object") { if (sql.values !== void 0) { if (options.replacements !== void 0) { throw new Error("Both `sql.values` and `options.replacements` cannot be set at the same time"); } options.replacements = sql.values; } if (sql.bind !== void 0) { if (options.bind !== void 0) { throw new Error("Both `sql.bind` and `options.bind` cannot be set at the same time"); } options.bind = sql.bind; } if (sql.query !== void 0) { sql = sql.query; } } sql = sql.trim(); if (options.replacements && options.bind) { throw new Error("Both `replacements` and `bind` cannot be set at the same time"); } if (options.replacements) { if (Array.isArray(options.replacements)) { sql = Utils.format([sql].concat(options.replacements), this.options.dialect); } else { sql = Utils.formatNamedParameters(sql, options.replacements, this.options.dialect); } } let bindParameters; if (options.bind) { [sql, bindParameters] = this.dialect.Query.formatBindParameters(sql, options.bind, this.options.dialect); } const checkTransaction = () => { if (options.transaction && options.transaction.finished && !options.completesTransaction) { const error = new Error(`${options.transaction.finished} has been called on this transaction(${options.transaction.id}), you can no longer use it. (The rejected query is attached as the 'sql' property of this error)`); error.sql = sql; throw error; } }; const retryOptions = __spreadValues(__spreadValues({}, this.options.retry), options.retry); return retry(async () => { if (options.transaction === void 0 && Sequelize._cls) { options.transaction = Sequelize._cls.get("transaction"); } checkTransaction(); const connection = await (options.transaction ? options.transaction.connection : this.connectionManager.getConnection(options)); if (this.options.dialect === "db2" && options.alter) { if (options.alter.drop === false) { connection.dropTable = false; } } const query = new this.dialect.Query(connection, this, options); try { await this.runHooks("beforeQuery", options, query); checkTransaction(); return await query.run(sql, bindParameters); } finally { await this.runHooks("afterQuery", options, query); if (!options.transaction) { await this.connectionManager.releaseConnection(connection); } } }, retryOptions); } async set(variables, options) { options = __spreadValues(__spreadValues({}, this.options.set), typeof options === "object" && options); if (!["mysql", "mariadb"].includes(this.options.dialect)) { throw new Error("sequelize.set is only supported for mysql or mariadb"); } if (!options.transaction || !(options.transaction instanceof Transaction)) { throw new TypeError("options.transaction is required"); } options.raw = true; options.plain = true; options.type = "SET"; const query = `SET ${_.map(variables, (v, k) => `@${k} := ${typeof v === "string" ? `"${v}"` : v}`).join(", ")}`; return await this.query(query, options); } escape(value) { return this.dialect.queryGenerator.escape(value); } async createSchema(schema, options) { return await this.getQueryInterface().createSchema(schema, options); } async showAllSchemas(options) { return await this.getQueryInterface().showAllSchemas(options); } async dropSchema(schema, options) { return await this.getQueryInterface().dropSchema(schema, options); } async dropAllSchemas(options) { return await this.getQueryInterface().dropAllSchemas(options); } async sync(options) { options = __spreadProps(__spreadValues(__spreadValues(__spreadValues({}, this.options), this.options.sync), options), { hooks: options ? options.hooks !== false : true }); if (options.match) { if (!options.match.test(this.config.database)) { throw new Error(`Database "${this.config.database}" does not match sync match parameter "${options.match}"`); } } if (options.hooks) { await this.runHooks("beforeBulkSync", options); } if (options.force) { await this.drop(options); } const models = []; this.modelManager.forEachModel((model) => { if (model) { models.push(model); } else { } }); if (!models.length) { await this.authenticate(options); } else { for (const model of models) await model.sync(options); } if (options.hooks) { await this.runHooks("afterBulkSync", options); } return this; } async truncate(options) { const models = []; this.modelManager.forEachModel((model) => { if (model) { models.push(model); } }, { reverse: false }); if (options && options.cascade) { for (const model of models) await model.truncate(options); } else { await Promise.all(models.map((model) => model.truncate(options))); } } async drop(options) { const models = []; this.modelManager.forEachModel((model) => { if (model) { models.push(model); } }, { reverse: false }); for (const model of models) await model.drop(options); } async authenticate(options) { options = __spreadValues({ raw: true, plain: true, type: QueryTypes.SELECT }, options); await this.query("SELECT 1+1 AS result", options); return; } async databaseVersion(options) { return await this.getQueryInterface().databaseVersion(options); } random() { if (["postgres", "sqlite", "snowflake"].includes(this.getDialect())) { return this.fn("RANDOM"); } return this.fn("RAND"); } static fn(fn, ...args) { return new Utils.Fn(fn, args); } static col(col) { return new Utils.Col(col); } static cast(val, type) { return new Utils.Cast(val, type); } static literal(val) { return new Utils.Literal(val); } static and(...args) { return { [Op.and]: args }; } static or(...args) { return { [Op.or]: args }; } static json(conditionsOrPath, value) { return new Utils.Json(conditionsOrPath, value); } static where(attr, comparator, logic) { return new Utils.Where(attr, comparator, logic); } async transaction(options, autoCallback) { if (typeof options === "function") { autoCallback = options; options = void 0; } const transaction = new Transaction(this, options); if (!autoCallback) { await transaction.prepareEnvironment(false); return transaction; } return Sequelize._clsRun(async () => { try { await transaction.prepareEnvironment(); const result = await autoCallback(transaction); await transaction.commit(); return await result; } catch (err) { try { if (!transaction.finished) { await transaction.rollback(); } else { await transaction.cleanup(); } } catch (err0) { } throw err; } }); } static useCLS(ns) { if (!ns || typeof ns !== "object" || typeof ns.bind !== "function" || typeof ns.run !== "function") throw new Error("Must provide CLS namespace"); Sequelize._cls = ns; return this; } static _clsRun(fn) { const ns = Sequelize._cls; if (!ns) return fn(); let res; ns.run((context) => res = fn(context)); return res; } log(...args) { let options; const last = _.last(args); if (last && _.isPlainObject(last) && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(last, "logging")) { options = last; if (options.logging === console.log) { args.splice(args.length - 1, 1); } } else { options = this.options; } if (options.logging) { if (options.logging === true) { deprecations.noTrueLogging(); options.logging = console.log; } if ((this.options.benchmark || options.benchmark) && options.logging === console.log) { args = [`${args[0]} Elapsed time: ${args[1]}ms`]; } options.logging(...args); } } close() { return this.connectionManager.close(); } normalizeDataType(Type) { let type = typeof Type === "function" ? new Type() : Type; const dialectTypes = this.dialect.DataTypes || {}; if (dialectTypes[type.key]) { type = dialectTypes[type.key].extend(type); } if (type instanceof DataTypes.ARRAY) { if (!type.type) { throw new Error("ARRAY is missing type definition for its values."); } if (dialectTypes[type.type.key]) { type.type = dialectTypes[type.type.key].extend(type.type); } } return type; } normalizeAttribute(attribute) { if (!_.isPlainObject(attribute)) { attribute = { type: attribute }; } if (!attribute.type) return attribute; attribute.type = this.normalizeDataType(attribute.type); if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(attribute, "defaultValue")) { if (typeof attribute.defaultValue === "function" && [DataTypes.NOW, DataTypes.UUIDV1, DataTypes.UUIDV4].includes(attribute.defaultValue)) { attribute.defaultValue = new attribute.defaultValue(); } } if (attribute.type instanceof DataTypes.ENUM) { if (attribute.values) { attribute.type.values = attribute.type.options.values = attribute.values; } else { attribute.values = attribute.type.values; } if (!attribute.values.length) { throw new Error("Values for ENUM have not been defined."); } } return attribute; } } Sequelize.prototype.fn = Sequelize.fn; Sequelize.prototype.col = Sequelize.col; Sequelize.prototype.cast = Sequelize.cast; Sequelize.prototype.literal = Sequelize.literal; Sequelize.prototype.and = Sequelize.and; Sequelize.prototype.or = Sequelize.or; Sequelize.prototype.json = Sequelize.json; Sequelize.prototype.where = Sequelize.where; Sequelize.prototype.validate = Sequelize.prototype.authenticate; Object.defineProperty(Sequelize, "version", { enumerable: true, get() { return require("../package.json").version; } }); Sequelize.options = { hooks: {} }; Sequelize.Utils = Utils; Sequelize.Op = Op; Sequelize.TableHints = TableHints; Sequelize.IndexHints = IndexHints; Sequelize.Transaction = Transaction; Sequelize.prototype.Sequelize = Sequelize; Sequelize.prototype.QueryTypes = Sequelize.QueryTypes = QueryTypes; Sequelize.prototype.Validator = Sequelize.Validator = Validator; Sequelize.Model = Model; Sequelize.QueryInterface = QueryInterface; Sequelize.BelongsTo = BelongsTo; Sequelize.HasOne = HasOne; Sequelize.HasMany = HasMany; Sequelize.BelongsToMany = BelongsToMany; Sequelize.DataTypes = DataTypes; for (const dataType in DataTypes) { Sequelize[dataType] = DataTypes[dataType]; } Sequelize.Deferrable = Deferrable; Sequelize.prototype.Association = Sequelize.Association = Association; Sequelize.useInflection = Utils.useInflection; Hooks.applyTo(Sequelize); Hooks.applyTo(Sequelize.prototype); Sequelize.Error = sequelizeErrors.BaseError; for (const error of Object.keys(sequelizeErrors)) { Sequelize[error] = sequelizeErrors[error]; } module.exports = Sequelize; module.exports.Sequelize = Sequelize; module.exports.default = Sequelize; //# sourceMappingURL=sequelize.js.map