Parsing and re-packing Android boot.img/vbmeta.img/payload.bin, supporting Android 13 preview
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cfig 6c662a54da
lots of stuff
- extract helper for more projects
 - kotlin 1.4.31
 - gradle 6.8.3
 - vendor_boot flash/pull
 - fix comanion vbmeta update: boot.img, vendor_boot.img
 - refine libavb
4 years ago
aosp lots of stuff 4 years ago
avbImpl lots of stuff 4 years ago
bbootimg lots of stuff 4 years ago
doc first version compatible with Windows 10 4 years ago
gradle/wrapper lots of stuff 4 years ago
helper lots of stuff 4 years ago
src first version compatible with Windows 10 4 years ago
tools use mavenCentral in light of JCenter shutdown 4 years ago
.gitattributes add 'rr' task for 'reboot recovery' 6 years ago
.gitignore refine avbVerifier; fix AuthBlob bug 5 years ago
.gitmodules update integrationTest and gradle 'check' 6 years ago
.travis.yml lots of stuff 4 years ago Update 9 years ago lots of stuff 4 years ago
build.gradle.kts lots of stuff 4 years ago
gradlew lots of stuff 4 years ago
gradlew.bat lots of stuff 4 years ago first version compatible with Windows 10 4 years ago
settings.gradle.kts lots of stuff 4 years ago


Build Status License

A tool for reverse engineering Android ROM images.

Getting Started

install required packages

Mac: brew install lz4 xz

Linux: sudo apt install git device-tree-compiler lz4 xz-utils zlib1g-dev openjdk-11-jdk gcc g++ python3

Windows: Make sure you have python3, JDK9+ and openssl properly installed. An easy way is to install Anaconda and Oracle JDK 11, then run the program under anaconda PowerShell.

Parsing and packing

Put your boot.img to current directory, then start gradle 'unpack' task:

cp <original_boot_image> boot.img
./gradlew unpack

Your get the flattened kernel and /root filesystem under ./build/unzip_boot:

├── boot.json     (boot image info)
├── boot.avb.json (AVB only)
├── kernel
├── second        (2nd bootloader, if exists)
├── dtb           (dtb, if exists)
├── dtbo          (dtbo, if exists)
└── root          (extracted initramfs)

Then you can edit the actual file contents, like rootfs or kernel. Now, pack the boot.img again

./gradlew pack

You get the repacked boot.img at $(CURDIR):


Well done you did it! The last step is to star this repo :smile

live demo

Supported ROM image types

Image Type file names
boot images boot.img, vendor_boot.img
recovery images recovery.img, recovery-two-step.img
vbmeta images vbmeta.img, vbmeta_system.img etc.
dtbo images dtbo.img

Please note that the boot.img MUST follows AOSP verified boot flow, either Boot image signature in VBoot 1.0 or AVB HASH footer (a.k.a. AVB) in VBoot 2.0.

compatible devices

Device Model Manufacturer Compatible Android Version Note
Pixel 3 (blueline) Google Y 11 (RP1A.200720.009,
more ...
Pixel 3 (blueline) Google Y Q preview (qpp2.190228.023,
more ...
Pixel XL (marlin) HTC Y 9.0.0 (PPR2.180905.006,
Sep 2018)
more ...
K3 (CPH1955) OPPO Y for recovery.img
N for boot.img
Pie more
Z18 (NX606J) ZTE Y 8.1.0 more...
Nexus 9 (volantis/flounder) HTC Y(with some tricks) 7.1.1 (N9F27M, Oct 2017) tricks
Nexus 5x (bullhead) LG Y 6.0.0_r12 (MDA89E)
Moto X (2013) T-Mobile Motorola N
X7 (PD1602_A_3.12.8) VIVO N ? Issue 35

more examples

  • recovery.img

If you are working with recovery.img, the steps are similar:

cp <your_recovery_image> recovery.img
./gradlew unpack
./gradlew pack
  • vbmeta.img
cp <your_vbmeta_image> vbmeta.img
./gradlew unpack
./gradlew pack
  • boot.img and vbmeta.img
cp <your_boot_image> boot.img
cp <your_vbmeta_image> vbmeta.img
./gradlew unpack
./gradlew pack

Your boot.img.signed and vbmeta.img.signd will be updated together.

boot.img layout

Read layout of Android boot.img and vendor_boot.img.



cpio / fs_config



Android version list

kernel info extractor



Android Nexus/Pixle factory images