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50 lines
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apply plugin: "c"
apply plugin: "cpp"
apply plugin: "cpp-unit-test"
model {
buildTypes {
components {
avbx(NativeLibrarySpec) {
sources {
cpp {
lib project: ":aosp:libavb1.2", library: "avb"
binaries.all {
cCompiler.args << "-Wall" << "-g"
cppCompiler.args << "-std=c++17"
avbVerifier(NativeExecutableSpec) {
sources {
cpp {
lib project: ":aosp:libavb1.2", library: "avb", linkage: "static"
lib project: ":avbImpl", library: "avbx", linkage: "static"
binaries.all {
cppCompiler.define "XXX"
cppCompiler.args << '-std=c++17'
task v1(type:Exec) {
workingDir "."
environment preloads: "vbmeta boot", requests: "boot dtbo vendor_boot", suffix: ""
commandLine "./build/exe/avbVerifier/avbVerifier"
task v2(type:Exec) {
description "verify non-AB recovery mode"
workingDir "."
environment preloads: "", requests: "recovery", suffix: ""
commandLine "./build/exe/avbVerifier/avbVerifier"