- avbtool only works with python 2.x, so systems which only have python
3.x as default will fail to run avbtool, fix it
- avbtool: sync with AOSP master
- avb salt: store salt for AVB signature, and use it in re-packing process
- ramdisk gzip: java.util.zip.GZIPOutputStream doesn't support parameters, so we use
org.apache.commons.compress.compressors.gzip.GzipCompressorOutputStream instead
- update mkbootimg: AOSP commit 147b355bb34cbd457a260c585be93193cef43b8e
- migrate all code from groovy to kotlin
- support DTBO and header_version, resolve#12
- upate README.expert.md too
- support AVB
* commit 26464914feccfce4b835bd73a1130ba5be069e8a
| Author: Mikhail Lappo <miklelappo@gmail.com>
| Date: Thu Mar 23 22:17:27 2017 +0100
| Possible null pointer miss on realloc
| Realloc can return null pointer which
| will cause a crash then. Patch introduces
| check for controlled 'die' in case memory is
| not available
| Change-Id: I279028339b1fe756d8a511834e164e59d4cab110
* commit 23e859dfd2e095bd71be0290b7c99f0016c6bf4e (HEAD, tag: android-o-mr1-iot-preview-8, m/master, aosp/o-mr1-iot-preview-8, aosp/master)
|\ Merge: 70d9b6a 9432381
| | Author: Treehugger Robot <treehugger-gerrit@google.com>
| | Date: Wed Mar 28 13:02:01 2018 +0000
| |
| | Merge "Throw ShortBufferException in RSA CipherSpi."
| |
| * commit 943238191685c85367fb0c51fb0a5f124b361876
|/ Author: Adam Vartanian <flooey@google.com>
| Date: Tue Mar 27 14:16:53 2018 +0100
| Throw ShortBufferException in RSA CipherSpi.
| The Javadoc for javax.crypto.Cipher.doFinal() and friends states that
| Ciphers should throw ShortBufferException when given an output buffer
| that's too small to hold the output. BC does this in its other
| classes, but the RSA implementation doesn't check the output buffer
| size and just throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException when it tries to
| fill the output buffer.
| This is bad not only because it's the wrong exception, but because it
| modifies the Cipher object's internal buffers when it does it, which
| means that passing a too-short buffer and then calling doFinal() again
| with a properly-sized buffer will result in incorrect output.
| This fixes tests that have been added for this case in Conscrypt
| upstream.
| Test: cts -m CtsLibcoreTestCases -t com.android.org.conscrypt.javax.crypto
| Change-Id: Ieac98be5b9574006f1409911103487b8b55bb94e
1. make my groovy code more java like
add @groovy.transform.TypeChecked and @groovy.transform.CompileStatic to
eliminate runtime surprise
2. add strict checking before 'pack' task
3. all boot.img.clear* will be hashed and the hash code will be compared to
assert equation
4. upgrade gradle and groovy version