# Contributing Looking to contribute to Aegis? That's great! There are a couple of ways to help out. This document contains some general guidelines for each type of contribution. ## Translations We use [Crowdin](https://crowdin.com/project/aegis-authenticator) to crowdsource translations of Aegis for lots of different languages. __Pull requests that add/update a translation are not longer accepted.__ Crowdin is our single source of truth for translations, to keep things easy to maintain. The top 30 languages are available for translation. It's possible that yours is not in that list. If that's the case, feel free to send us an email and we'll add it. ## Pull requests If you're planning on adding a new feature or making other large changes, please discuss it with us first through [a proposal](https://github.com/beemdevelopment/Aegis/issues/new?labels=proposal&template=feature.md) on GitHub. Discussing your idea with us first ensures that everyone is on the same page before you start working on your change. We don't like rejecting pull requests. ## Bug reports We use GitHub's issue tracker to track bugs. To make bug reports easier to follow up on for us, they must follow [the template](.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/bug.md). If a bug report does not follow the template and does not contain enough information, it will be closed. Duplicate bug reports receive the same treatment. Please consider trying to find the root cause yourself first and include your analysis of the issue in your report. Perhaps even send us a patch that fixes it! We're happy to help you if you get stuck along the way. ### Capturing a log with ADB In some cases, we ask our users to obtain a debug log from their device. This is typically only necessary if Aegis: - Is unable to recover from an error and crashes. - Only shows a generic error to the user, but writes a more detailed one to the log. Capturing a log with the Android Debug Bridge (ADB) allows us to see the stack trace and the exception that occurred. #### Preparation Before you can capture a log, you first need to go through a one-time setup process on your Android device and computer. ##### Prerequisites - Your Android device. - A computer with Windows, Mac or Linux. - A USB cable to connect your Android device to your computer. ##### Setup __On your Android device__: 1. Navigate to ``Settings -> About``, scroll down and start tapping on the build number until developer options are enabled. 2. Navigate to ``Settings -> System -> Developer options`` and enable ``USB debugging``. These navigation steps may differ slightly across Android versions and ROMs. __On your computer__: 3. Download and extract the SDK platform tools for Android: https://developer.android.com/studio/releases/platform-tools. 4. Start your terminal emulator (If you're on Windows, start PowerShell) and navigate to the folder where platform-tools was extracted. 5. Execute ``adb devices``. __On your Android device__: 6. A prompt will appear. Select "Always allow from this computer" and accept the connection. #### Capturing a log __On your Android device__: 1. Start Aegis. __On your PC__: 2. Start your terminal emulator (If you're on Windows, start PowerShell) and navigate to the folder where platform-tools was extracted. 3. Start a log capture by executing the following commands. ``` adb logcat -c adb logcat > debug.log ``` The logcat command captures the full system log by default, which may expose some sensitive information. While this information can sometimes help with finding the root cause of the issue, it is not always necessary. To only capture the log output of Aegis, replace the last logcat command with the one below: ```sh adb logcat --pid=$(adb shell pidof -s com.beemdevelopment.aegis) > debug.log ``` _If you are using a debug APK, replace ``com.beemdevelopment.aegis`` with ``com.beemdevelopment.aegis.debug``._ __On your Android device__: 4. Reproduce the issue. __On your PC__: 5. Stop the log capture with Ctrl+C. 6. Attach the ``debug.log`` file to your issue on GitHub.