@ -9,8 +9,10 @@ import android.util.Log;
import androidx.annotation.NonNull ;
import androidx.documentfile.provider.DocumentFile ;
import com.beemdevelopment.aegis.Preferences ;
import com.beemdevelopment.aegis.util.IOUtils ;
import java.io.File ;
import java.io.FileInputStream ;
import java.io.IOException ;
import java.io.OutputStream ;
@ -25,6 +27,8 @@ import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.Date ;
import java.util.List ;
import java.util.Locale ;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService ;
import java.util.concurrent.Executors ;
public class VaultBackupManager {
private static final String TAG = VaultBackupManager . class . getSimpleName ( ) ;
@ -34,42 +38,67 @@ public class VaultBackupManager {
public static final String FILENAME_PREFIX = "aegis-backup" ;
private Context _context ;
private final Context _context ;
private final Preferences _prefs ;
private final ExecutorService _executor ;
public VaultBackupManager ( Context context ) {
_context = context ;
_prefs = new Preferences ( context ) ;
_executor = Executors . newSingleThreadExecutor ( ) ;
public void create ( Uri dirUri , int versionsToKeep ) throws VaultManagerException {
public void destroy ( ) {
Log . i ( TAG , "Shutting down backup manager thread" ) ;
_executor . shutdown ( ) ;
public void scheduleBackup ( File tempFile , Uri dirUri , int versionsToKeep ) {
_executor . execute ( ( ) - > {
try {
createBackup ( tempFile , dirUri , versionsToKeep ) ;
_prefs . setBackupsError ( null ) ;
} catch ( VaultManagerException e ) {
e . printStackTrace ( ) ;
_prefs . setBackupsError ( e ) ;
} ) ;
private void createBackup ( File tempFile , Uri dirUri , int versionsToKeep ) throws VaultManagerException {
FileInfo fileInfo = new FileInfo ( FILENAME_PREFIX ) ;
DocumentFile dir = DocumentFile . fromTreeUri ( _context , dirUri ) ;
Log . i ( TAG , String . format ( "Creating backup at %s: %s" , Uri . decode ( dir . getUri ( ) . toString ( ) ) , fileInfo . toString ( ) ) ) ;
try {
Log . i ( TAG , String . format ( "Creating backup at %s: %s" , Uri . decode ( dir . getUri ( ) . toString ( ) ) , fileInfo . toString ( ) ) ) ;
if ( ! hasPermissionsAt ( dirUri ) ) {
Log . e ( TAG , "Unable to create file for backup, no persisted URI permissions" ) ;
throw new VaultManagerException ( "No persisted URI permissions" ) ;
if ( ! hasPermissionsAt ( dirUri ) ) {
throw new VaultManagerException ( "No persisted URI permissions" ) ;
// If we create a file with a name that already exists, SAF will append a number
// to the filename and write to that instead. We can't overwrite existing files, so
// just avoid that altogether by checking beforehand.
if ( dir . findFile ( fileInfo . toString ( ) ) ! = null ) {
throw new VaultManagerException ( "Backup file already exists" ) ;
// If we create a file with a name that already exists, SAF will append a number
// to the filename and write to that instead. We can't overwrite existing files, so
// just avoid that altogether by checking beforehand.
if ( dir . findFile ( fileInfo . toString ( ) ) ! = null ) {
throw new VaultManagerException ( "Backup file already exists" ) ;
DocumentFile file = dir . createFile ( "application/json" , fileInfo . toString ( ) ) ;
if ( file = = null ) {
Log . e ( TAG , "Unable to create file for backup, createFile returned null" ) ;
throw new VaultManagerException ( "createFile returned null" ) ;
DocumentFile file = dir . createFile ( "application/json" , fileInfo . toString ( ) ) ;
if ( file = = null ) {
throw new VaultManagerException ( "createFile returned null" ) ;
try ( FileInputStream inStream = _context . openFileInput ( VaultManager . FILENAME ) ;
OutputStream outStream = _context . getContentResolver ( ) . openOutputStream ( file . getUri ( ) ) ) {
IOUtils . copy ( inStream , outStream ) ;
} catch ( IOException e ) {
Log . e ( TAG , "Unable to create backup" , e ) ;
throw new VaultManagerException ( e ) ;
try ( FileInputStream inStream = new FileInputStream ( tempFile ) ;
OutputStream outStream = _context . getContentResolver ( ) . openOutputStream ( file . getUri ( ) ) ) {
IOUtils . copy ( inStream , outStream ) ;
} catch ( IOException e ) {
throw new VaultManagerException ( e ) ;
} catch ( VaultManagerException e ) {
Log . e ( TAG , String . format ( "Unable to create backup: %s" , e . toString ( ) ) ) ;
throw e ;
} finally {
tempFile . delete ( ) ;
enforceVersioning ( dir , versionsToKeep ) ;
@ -88,22 +117,20 @@ public class VaultBackupManager {
private void enforceVersioning ( DocumentFile dir , int versionsToKeep ) {
Log . i ( TAG , String . format ( "Scanning directory %s for backup files" , Uri . decode ( dir . getUri ( ) . toString ( ) ) ) ) ;
List < File> files = new ArrayList < > ( ) ;
List < Backup File> files = new ArrayList < > ( ) ;
for ( DocumentFile docFile : dir . listFiles ( ) ) {
if ( docFile . isFile ( ) & & ! docFile . isVirtual ( ) ) {
try {
files . add ( new File( docFile ) ) ;
files . add ( new Backup File( docFile ) ) ;
} catch ( ParseException ignored ) { }
Collections . sort ( files , new FileComparator ( ) ) ;
for ( File file : files ) {
Log . i ( TAG , file . getFile ( ) . getName ( ) ) ;
Log . i ( TAG , String . format ( "Found %d backup files, keeping the %d most recent" , files . size ( ) , versionsToKeep ) ) ;
Collections . sort ( files , new FileComparator ( ) ) ;
if ( files . size ( ) > versionsToKeep ) {
for ( File file : files . subList ( 0 , files . size ( ) - versionsToKeep ) ) {
for ( Backup File file : files . subList ( 0 , files . size ( ) - versionsToKeep ) ) {
Log . i ( TAG , String . format ( "Deleting %s" , file . getFile ( ) . getName ( ) ) ) ;
if ( ! file . getFile ( ) . delete ( ) ) {
Log . e ( TAG , String . format ( "Unable to delete %s" , file . getFile ( ) . getName ( ) ) ) ;
@ -188,11 +215,11 @@ public class VaultBackupManager {
private static class File {
private static class Backup File {
private DocumentFile _file ;
private FileInfo _info ;
public File( DocumentFile file ) throws ParseException {
public Backup File( DocumentFile file ) throws ParseException {
_file = file ;
_info = FileInfo . parseFilename ( file . getName ( ) ) ;
@ -206,9 +233,9 @@ public class VaultBackupManager {
private static class FileComparator implements Comparator < File> {
private static class FileComparator implements Comparator < Backup File> {
public int compare ( File o1 , File o2 ) {
public int compare ( Backup File o1 , Backup File o2 ) {
return o1 . getInfo ( ) . getDate ( ) . compareTo ( o2 . getInfo ( ) . getDate ( ) ) ;